Founding a sci-tech park in Iraq on agenda
Founding a sci-tech park in Iraq on agenda
The establishment of a joint science and technology park with Iraq has been put on the agenda, said the deputy science minister for innovation and technology.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –The establishment of a joint science and technology park with Iraq has been put on the agenda, said the deputy science minister for innovation and technology.

He made the remarks on the sidelines of Iran-Iraq Science Week which was held from October 9 to 12 in the capital city of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi province.

“A memorandum of understanding was signed in Khorasan Razavi Science and Technology Park with Haider Abed Dahud, deputy minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Iraq,” Sajjad Mohammad-Ali Nejad said, IRNA reported.

He went on to say, “Being highly interested in setting up science and technology parks, and concerning their many requests, it was decided to provide them with Iran’s experiences.”

A joint working group has been formed to pursue the establishment of science and technology parks in Iraq.

Mohammad-Ali Nejad added, “Soon, a joint meeting will be held in Iraq for further discussion and coordination and a memorandum of understanding will be signed to implement the design of the technology ecosystem in this country.”

“Our country has gained good experiences in the field of legislation in supporting knowledge-based companies. Transferring these experiences to create soft infrastructures can help Iraq speed up the founding of Science and Technology Parks.”

Mohammad-Ali Nejad went on to say the establishment of international parks is on the agenda, it will help domestic knowledge-based companies to export their products to these countries.

Iran-Iraq Science Week

Iran-Iraq Science Week, the first major scientific event between the two neighboring countries, was held with representatives of over 60 universities and educational institutions in attendance.

Hosted by Ferdowsi University, this scientific event aimed to develop diplomatic interactions, academic relations, and cultural exchange.

“The development of academic cooperation and the exchange of scientific knowledge and modern technologies is one of the main goals of holding this 5-day conference,” IRNA quoted Vahid Haddadi-Asl, the Iranian deputy science minister for international affairs, as saying.

He stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and expertise and formulating scientific understandings in many files, some of which relate to the environmental aspect and joint educational programs.

Mohammad Kafi, chancellor of Ferdowsi University, for his part, explained that the universities of the two countries are keen to take successful steps of joint talks and reach a vision that serves the scientific and research side between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi Undersecretary for Scientific Research Affairs, Haider Abed Dahud, who headed the delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, said that the science week between the two countries summarizes the level of understanding and coordination resulting from the agreement between the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in the Islamic Republic of Iran and completes the dialogues that took place in Baghdad, the University of Baghdad’s website reported.

To expand and promote scientific and technological relations implement joint research projects and develop joint cooperation between the scientific and research centers of the two countries, memorandums of understanding are signed, the Iraqi news agency (INA) reported.

“The memorandums of understanding included a number of cooperation files, including research opportunities for graduates, joint supervision and development of the post-doctoral path, as well as the exchange of students between universities and mutual fellowship in various specializations, cultural, artistic and sports programs, and joint research projects, in addition to benefiting from laboratory services and logistical equipment at the universities of the two countries,” INA quoted the website of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as saying.

“The memorandums also included scientific cooperation in the field of training and the exchange of scientific consultations related to curricula and academic courses.”

  • source : Tehrantimes