No Undeclared Nuclear Materials in Iran
No Undeclared Nuclear Materials in Iran
Iran's Permanent Mission to the United Nations says all of the country’s nuclear materials and activities have been fully declared to and verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), adding the agency’s claim over undeclared materials is solely based on false and fabricated information of the Zionist regime.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Iran’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations says all of the country’s nuclear materials and activities have been fully declared to and verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), adding the agency’s claim over undeclared materials is solely based on false and fabricated information of the Zionist regime.

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) on Saturday quoted Iran’s Permanent Mission to the UN as saying that the Islamic Republic is determined to live up to its commitments under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, having made every effort to enable the IAEA to carry out its verification activities in Iran.

Regarding the issue of the so-called “three places”, it added, “the origin of this issue goes back to the fabricated information provided to the Agency by a malicious third party, namely the Israeli regime which itself has even refused to accept any commitments under the documents pertaining to the weapons of mass destruction, including the Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and contrary to numerous IAEA and UN resolutions, has repeatedly threatened to attack Iran’s nuclear sites and facilities.”

The mission went on to say that, “The mere finding of natural uranium particles in environmental samples in a location, cannot be regarded as the existence of nuclear materials in that place.”

Iran has intensified its efforts to discover the origin of such particles aimed at further cooperation with the IAEA and has explained about its assumptions in that regard, said the mission.

Referring to the fact that Iran has not yet been able to find any technical reason for the presence of uranium particles, it added that Tehran assumes that external elements, such as sabotage and hostile actions, were involved in the issued of the contamination.

The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly expects the IAEA to report on its verification activities in Iran based on the principles of impartiality, professionalism and reality, reiterated the Iranian mission.

The statement reiterated that the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined, as has also shown so far, to comply with its obligations under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (INFCIRC/214) and it has done its utmost to enable the Agency to continue its verification activities in Iran, which is unique in the Agency’s verification system.

It added on the issue related to the so-called three locations, it should be highlighted that the origin of the issue goes back to the fabricated information provided to the Agency by an ill-intended third party, namely the Israeli regime, which does not accept to have a single commitment under any WMD instruments, including in particular the NPT, and repeatedly threatens to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful purposes, contrary to the numerous IAEA and UNGA resolutions