Bangladesh Determined to Deepen Ties With Iran
Bangladesh Determined to Deepen Ties With Iran
Bangladesh Embassy in Tehran on Saturday held a ceremony and reception at Parsian Evin Hotel of Tehran to celebrate the Independence Day.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Bangladesh Embassy in Tehran on Saturday held a ceremony and reception at Parsian Evin Hotel of Tehran to celebrate the Independence Day.

Independence of Bangladesh was declared on 26 March 1971, celebrated as Independence Day, from Pakistan. The Independence Day of Bangladesh is celebrated on 26 March when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the Independence of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh Embassy in Tehran celebrated the day with delay because of New Year holiday in Iran as well as Holy Month of Ramadhan.

Respected Ambassador of Bangladesh to Tehran Mr. Manjurul Karim Khan Chowdhury hosted the event which started with playing national anthems of Bangladesh and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization Mr. Mehdi Zeighami was the chief guest of the event where many diplomats, military men and businessmen were also present.

Addressing the participants in the event, Ambassador of Bangladesh Mr. Karim Khan welcomed the guests for their presence for marking the Independence Day of Bangladesh and said 26  March,  is  Bangladesh’s  Independence  and  National  Day but the embassy was holding the celemony in Tehran with delay because of Ramadhan and New Year in Iran, adding, “ Our  Father  of  the  Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared independence on 26 March 1971 and paid deepest tribute to the Father of the Nation and the greatest Bengalee of all time. He then pointed to the efforts of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for the prosperity and independence of the country.

He added, “In early ‘70s, after the independence, the war-ravaged country was described by some     international experts as an international “basket case” and a test case for development.  Many doubted that we would survive. But Bangladesh proved them wrong. After 52 years, Bangladesh is a different country, may be a success story.  .

He noted, “In the last 52 years, our national income increased around 30 times from where it was in 1972. We were one of the poorest countries in 1972 with per capita GDP $93, after 52 years, our per capita GDP is around $2800. Life expectancy at birth in 1971 was 46, now it is 72. We have achieved significant progressed in the socio-economic sectors, in many cases better than regional countries.    Bangladesh  is  now  the  3rd largest  vegetables  producer,  4rth  largest  sweet-water  fish  producer and 5th largest ricer producer in the world.”

The diplomat added, “Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is focused on economic development and improving wellbeing of the people. Since  2009,  Bangladesh  returned  to  the  track  of  fast  development  under  the  able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. She is leading Bangladesh to materialize her vision of transforming the country into a developed one by 2041. The daughter of the Father  of  the  Nation  has  been  rising  up  to  the  peoples’  expectations  despite  many challenges. Bangladesh is determined to realize the dream of Golden Bengal of the Father of the Nation – the dream of a happy and prosperous Bangladesh.”

Karim Khan then pointed to the relation of Iran and Bangladesh and said both countries enjoy long standing friendly and brotherly relations, adding that religious and cultural linkages between the people of the two countries are millennium old.”

He reiterated Iran and Bangladesh are working to deepen bilateral relations and to explore further areas     of mutually beneficial cooperation.  He reiterated that Dhaka is determined to boost its tie with Tehran.

Then Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization Mr. Zeighami, for his part, felicitated the independence day of Bangladesh and pointed to the commonalities of both states.

He added that for the last forty-eight years, Iran and Bangladesh have always made their efforts to keep their friendly, brotherly, and balanced relations on the basis of mutual respect and common interests and in addition, with the advent of the Islamic Revolution, these relations further deepened due to the common approaches. During the past years, bilateral political relations have been at an acceptable level.

He then said another issue that he would like to mention today is about the economic growth of Bangladesh in recent years which has been praised by the global community, adding that this issue shows the determination of the government and people of this country for change and progress.

In the end, he extended his congratulations on the graduation of Bangladesh from the least developed countries into the developing countries in 2026 and once again, I extend my felicitation to the government and people of Bangladesh on the occasion of Independence Day.

Earlier second secretary of Embassy of Bangladesh Oalid Islam briefed the participants of the history of the independence of Bangladesh.