Iran, Indonesia Stepping Up Efforts to Increase Bilateral Trade to $20b
Iran, Indonesia Stepping Up Efforts to Increase Bilateral Trade to $20b
President Ebrahim Raisi in his visit to Indonesia said have decided to increase their trade volume to $20bn and carry out their exchanges with national currencies.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –President Ebrahim Raisi in his visit to Indonesia said have decided to increase their trade volume to $20bn and carry out their exchanges with national currencies.

On his official visit to Indonesia on Tuesday, President Raisi expressed hope that this visit would lead to the expansion of interactions between the two powerful Islamic countries and have constructive effects in the region and the world and its effects would be completed with the visit of the President of Indonesia to Tehran.

Stating that Iran and Indonesia have various fields and capacities to improve the level of ties, the Iranian President said that the signing of numerous cooperation agreements in various fields shows the determination of the two countries to develop relations in all fields.

Iranian President expressed hope that great steps would be taken during this visit for expanding ties with Indonesia, saying that during the 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, they have always had good interactions in various political, economic, commercial, regional, and international fields.

He said that cooperation with the Islamic and neighboring countries is a priority of Iran’s foreign policy.

Expanding relations with Indonesia, one of the most important and effective countries in Asia and the world, which is also a member of important regional and international organizations, is of great importance to Iran.

Stressing Iran-Indonesia commonalities in various regional and international issues, like Palestine and Afghanistan, Raisi said that the two countries are committed to supporting the rights of the Palestinians until the liberation of Holy Quds.

The two sides also enjoy common views regarding the formation of a comprehensive government in Afghanistan that represents all ethnic groups and religions and restores the rights of all Afghan people.

Today, Iranian women and girls have an effective and successful participation in various fields and have become a source of pride for the country, he stated. “We believe that Afghan women and girls also have the ability to bring pride to Afghanistan and the Islamic nation, and they should be given the possibility of doing social activities and having educational opportunities.”

The two decades of US presence in Afghanistan brought nothing but destruction, death, and 35,000 disabled children, Raisi said.

Iran and Indonesia are serious about fighting unilateralism in regional and international issues, he stressed.


The Iranian president said the signing of different documents for bilateral cooperation in various sectors reaffirms both sides’ will to develop relations in all fields.

In the presence of Raisi and Widodo, senior officials of Iran and Indonesia signed 11 documents and agreements to strengthen cooperation in preferential trade, cancellation of visas, cultural exchanges, supervision over the pharmaceutical products, science and technology as well as oil and gas.

Raisi also said oppressive sanctions and pressure have failed to hinder Iran’s progress, expressing Tehran’s firm determination to improve relations with Muslim and neighboring states.

He added that despite pressure and oppressive sanctions, the Iranian youths have succeeded in taking major steps towards the improvement of science and technology as well as the country’s economic development.

“Sanctions and threats have never been able to stop Iran,” he added.

Reiterating Iran’s foreign policy to boost relations with powerful Muslim and neighboring states,  he said, “The expansion of ties with Indonesia, as one of important and effective countries in Asia and the world and a member of important regional and international organizations, is very important for Iran.”

He noted that Iran and Indonesia enjoy diverse capacities to deepen relations and expressed hope that his visit to Jakarta would lead to constructive outcomes for the expansion of ties between the two powerful Muslim countries in the region and the world.

He added that Tehran and Jakarta have a common stance on key regional and global issues, including Palestine and Afghanistan.

“The two countries are committed to supporting the rights of the Palestinian people until the liberation of al-Quds,” he said.

The Iranian chief executive also stressed the importance of establishing an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of all ethnic and religious groups which strives to restore the Afghan people’s rights.

Meanwhile high-ranking Indonesian and Iranian officials signed 11 cooperation documents and memoranda of understanding (MoUs) to develop economic and political interactions between the two countries.

A ceremony to sign the 11 cooperation documents and MoUs was held in the Indonesian capital city Jakarta on Tuesday.

The agreements consist of deals on preferential trade, visa waiver, cultural exchanges, cooperation on supervising the production of pharmaceutical products, collaborations in scientific, technological, and innovative arenas, and bilateral cooperation in oil and gas sectors.


The documents and MoUs were inked in the presence of the presidents of Indonesia and Iran and senior ministers from the two countries.