Sanctions Turning Into a Laughing Stock
Sanctions Turning Into a Laughing Stock
Imposition of sanctions on nations, countries, entities and individuals is turning to a laughing stock and becoming meaningless because of its overdose by Western countries especially by the U.S. as Washington does not want to retreat from this bad and wrong habit which is used as a tool by it for putting pressure on nations.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Imposition of sanctions on nations, countries, entities and individuals is turning to a laughing stock and becoming meaningless because of its overdose by Western countries especially by the U.S. as Washington does not want to retreat from this bad and wrong habit which is used as a tool by it for putting pressure on nations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran since its first day of establishment in 1979 has been under different sanctions of the U.S. and Western countries and those sanctions were intensified during the Trump Administration but Iran proved the world that if there is a will there is a way as the country by taking different measures and actions almost made ineffective sanctions and even witnessed amazing progresses and achievements during the sanctions against Iran.

At first it seemed during Biden Administration the pressure of sanctions was to be slowed down but President Joe Biden showed that he is not better than his predecessor Donald Trump and every day and under any pretext Biden Administration imposes a series of sanctions on Iranians officials or entities.

Of course the Biden Administration uses human rights and Ukraine war as its pretexts to increase pressure on Tehran and Iranians are familiar with the pretexts of the Americans and give no damn to it.

On Thursday, the U.S. imposed new sanctions on groups in Russia and Iran accused of taking Americans hostage as it works to prevent more captive-taking and potentially secure the release of citizens currently being detained.

The sanctions ordered up Thursday are to punish organizations the U.S. accuses of being responsible for holding hostage or wrongfully detaining Americans. In Iran, four individuals are also coming under new sanctions.

The groups are Russia’s Federal Security Service and the Intelligence Organization of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Officials said the steps should act as a so-called warning to those thinking of taking Americans hostage.

Earlier on Monday the U.S. sanctioned four senior Iranian officials under the baseless pretext of brutal suppression of protests that erupted last year.

The U.S. also sanctioned a fifth official it claimed has blocked popular online news sites and spying on journalists and dissidents.

The Treasury Department action was the 11th time the U.S. has blacklisted Iranian officials claiming had role in the death last September of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini. The move was in coordination with Britain, which also imposed similar sanctions against senior Iranian officials.

Of course everybody knows well that if the Islamic Republic of Iran retreats from fighting for its rights suddenly the West will forget all those baseless claims and loosen the sanctions grip, and the strange thing is that the international bodies act just like lookers-on and they help the U.S. to become bolder to continue its sanctions.

The Islamic Republic of Iran through its policy of resistance has made ineffective the U.S. sanctions and it seems this move has encouraged other independent countries to follow Tehran’s policy in fight against the U.S. unilateralism.

Iran has repeatedly criticized the unfair sanctions and urged the international bodies to take some action but they unfortunately have closed their eyes on the U.S. sanctions.

Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations last week said unilateral measures taken by the United States are against the UN Charter while threatening multilateralism in the world.

Amir Saeed Iravani made the remarks in an address delivered during a UN Security Council debate on multilateralism.

“Multilateralism has been recognized as a well-established approach to addressing global challenges and effective multilateralism … is essential for ensuring international peace and security,” he said.

The official, however, warned that the integrity and effectiveness of multilateralism are undermined by the abuse of the UN system and selective application of international law, which pose a serious threat to international cooperation, peace, and security.

The American disease of sanctions has spread to their allies, and Europeans are also suffering from the sanctions disease and they also use it as a tool against other nations especially against Iran.

The European Union and the UK last week followed the path of the U.S. and imposed new sanctions on a number of Iranian individuals and entities over alleged human rights violations, despite the fact that the failure of such a policy has been proven many times over the past years.

In another hostile move, the European Union’s Council said in a statement on Monday that it has decided to impose restrictive measures on eight individuals and one entity over an allegation that they were responsible for serious human rights violations in Iran.

It added that the Council is sanctioning Arian Tel Communication Company, an Iranian mobile service provider, which contributed to the telecommunications surveillance architecture.

The new restrictions also include Iranian lawmakers, members of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and the IRCG Cooperative Foundation, the body responsible for managing the IRGC’s investments.

We recommend the U.S. and its Western allies to stop this game of imposing sanctions on other nations because it is getting funny because countries are learning how to skirt them and sanctions are turning to a mere void order by the Western governments especially at the time when a new world order is shaping and nations are awakening against the U.S. unilateralism and any moment the U.S. will be forced to stop sanctions game because even American officials are opposed to it and call it a subject for fun and the Islamic Republic of Iran is a great example for nations in making ineffective sanctions through strong will and resistance.