Leader: Decline of Israel Accelerating
Leader: Decline of Israel Accelerating
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the focus of the Muslim world should be on strengthening Palestinian combatants at a time when Israel is fast approaching its end.  

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the focus of the Muslim world should be on strengthening Palestinian combatants at a time when Israel is fast approaching its end.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the ambassadors of the Islamic countries in the capital Tehran on Saturday on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

“Today, we are witnessing the gradual decline of the usurping Zionist regime; its speed is even increasing day by day,” the Leader said. “The strategy of the Islamic world should be focused on strengthening the combatant elements inside Palestine.”

Pointing to the increasing waves of support for the Palestinian people around the world, the Leader said the participation of the Europeans in rallies to support the Palestinian people is “very important, that too in the countries that are dependent on the Zionists”.

“The more this resistance increases, the weaker the Zionist regime will be, the more apparent its atrocities will become. The truly miserable situation that the Zionist regime is facing today is the result of the Palestinian youth’s resistance.”

Elsewhere in his address to the meeting, the Leader said the entire factors during the holy fasting month of Ramadan help to bring the hearts of people closer to one another, either within a country or in the whole Islamic Ummah.

“The authorities of Islamic countries should use this opportunity to create unity and togetherness among the members of the Islamic Ummah. Today, our problem is division, even though the Qur’an forbids division,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

If the Islamic Ummah, which is close to two billion today and is spread in the most significant and sensitive geographical areas of the world, were united, the Islamic countries would achieve much more blessings, the Leader said.

Stressing that Palestine is not only an Islamic issue but also a human one, the Leader referred to the Quds Day rallies and marches in Muslim as well as non-Muslim countries, and said, “Anti-Zionist gatherings on the Quds Day in the US and European countries are the result of the increasing revelation of the crimes of the usurping Zionists.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said the deterrence power of the Zionist regime was coming to an end, adding, “Several decades ago, Ben-Gurion, one of the founders of the fake regime, said that whenever our deterrence power ends, we will be destroyed, and now the world is witnessing this fact, and if nothing happens, the end of the usurping regime is near, which is also one of the blessings of the self-effacing Palestinian youth in the West Bank and other occupied areas.”


The Leader described the proclivity towards Islam as the main factor behind the strengthening of Palestinian groups’ fight and added that such achievements did not exist in the periods when Islamic inclinations were of no significance.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemies’ anti-Islamism was the result of perceiving the power of Islam in strengthening the Palestinian nation and other nations, adding, “Of course, by the grace of God and the vigilance of Muslim nations, this strategy will end up nowhere.”

The Leader, referring to the pioneership of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Republic in supporting the Palestinian issue, said, “This movement will continue and we hope that the beloved people of Iran will witness a day when Muslims of all Islamic countries will pray freely in al-Quds.”

Meanwhile earlier addressing worshippers after the Eid al-Fitr Prayer, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on all walks of Iranian society to maintain and preserve unity and urged state officials to closely work hand in hand to resolve the existing problems and shortcomings.

He described this year’s holy month of Ramadan as more passionate and vivacious than ever, especially as a large number of Iranian youths kept vigil across the country to mark Laylat al-Qadr, or the Nights of Destiny when the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

“One of the characteristics of Ramadan is strengthening the willpower. Among the great and important features of fasting is the reinforcement of human will. Willpower is a trait that God has incorporated in human beings in order to move ahead and progress. State officials should take up the available opportunity. It is through strengthening of the willpower that the country’s major problems can be resolved,” Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei termed full cooperation among the heads of Iran’s three branches of power as an important and fundamental strategy, emphasizing that authorities must never get in each other’s way but would rather facilitate the implementation of their plans.

“The three branches of power should work to enhance empathy and synergy within each other. If they cooperate with one another, things would then not get entangled. The branches should not hamper each other, and would rather pave the way for each other,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The Leader also urged Iranian officials not to get distracted by trivial matters, and to focus mainly on how to overcome critical issues.

He called on the Iranian nation to preserve national unity, saying, “Enemy does not want such a unity to exist. Nowadays, the enemy’s strategy is anchored in deception, falsehood, lure, distortion of facts as well as humiliation of nations. The enemy is trying to make nations pessimistic about each other and mask their capabilities.”