Sanctions Turning Into an Ineffective Tool
Sanctions Turning Into an Ineffective Tool
The Islamic Republic of Iran has proved to the world and nations that if there is a will there is a way for achieving goals as Iranians through their strong determination have made ineffective the unilateral U.S. sanctions and have marched towards considerable successes and these progresses are in a way that even the U.S. officials and experts have been forced to acknowledge it.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –The Islamic Republic of Iran has proved to the world and nations that if there is a will there is a way for achieving goals as Iranians through their strong determination have made ineffective the unilateral U.S. sanctions and have marched towards considerable successes and these progresses are in a way that even the U.S. officials and experts have been forced to acknowledge it.

Last week many media outlets in the U.S. have admitted that Iran has progressed in many fields like missiles and drones and made ineffective the U.S. sanctions.

The unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran have failed to disrupt the country’s drone program, said emphatically the U.S. media.

An article by the leading American international relations magazine made a reference to decade-old sanctions imposed on Iranian drone manufacturers like the Quds Aviation and Aerospace Industries Organization (IAIO) and the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Corporation (HESA).

“For years, the United States has imposed sanctions against Iran’s military complex and manufacturing base, including entities like IAIO, HESA… Nevertheless, Iran’s aerospace sector and drone industry have continued to expand and thrive,” Eric Lob and Edward Riehle wrote.

The article said, “Iran has manufactured and operated military drones since the Iran-Iraq War in the mid-1980s. With over thirty-three models, Iran’s highly developed, sophisticated military drone complex comprises one of the four pillars of its security strategy and force structure, complementing its missile technology, proxy forces, and cyberwarfare.”

“Drones have increasingly offered an asymmetric advantage to Iran,” it pointed out.

“(Iranian) drones have also enabled Iran to project power and earn profits, showcase technology and enhance prestige, strengthen alliances in the Middle East and beyond,” the US article added.

Earlier this month, the U.S. imposed sanctions against six executives and board members of Iran’s Quds Aviation Industries under the false pretext that the Islamic Republic had provided Russia with the UAVs to be used by Moscow against Ukraine.

The Islamic Republic has, on repeated occasions, roundly rejected Washington’s allegations. Last December, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said Ukrainian officials had failed to provide any evidence for their claim that Russia was using Iranian drones in the Ukraine war.

The National Interest article acknowledged that, “Western sanctions have been unable to prevent Iran from becoming a prominent player in the military drone market and sharing drone technology with partners inside and outside of the Middle East.”

The article also said that Iranian drones are less expensive than their “Western counterparts and have proven to be effective on the battlefield.”

Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said last month that the Islamic Republic is currently among the world’s top five powers in the unmanned aerial vehicles industry. He said Iran’s drones can carry out various missions with great accuracy and flight endurance.

This is not the first time such a frank admission coming from the U.S. media and in recent months even American statesmen and officials have acknowledged ineffectiveness of the sanctions and progress of Iran in many fields.

The current ruling administration in Washington still follows the policy of its predecessors and continue imposing sanctions despite knowing it is ineffective but it does it to show muscles to Tehran while Iranians give no damn to such sanctions and bullies because Iranians know that they can thwart those sanctions although they may feel some heat but they are eventually the winners of this economic and political war.

Now the U.S. has resorted to its allies in Europe and any part of the world to follow Washington’s policy of imposing sanctions against Iran in order to bring Tehran down to its knees but this is a fantasy and this dream will never come true because the Islamic Republic of Iran has a strong Leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, who is wise and smart and he can read the hands of the U.S. and its allies and he makes wise and effective decisions which thwart any plot against Tehran.

So Europe and other countries which pursue the path of the U.S. or wag their tails for Washington is better to stop following the U.S. path blindly because they will suffer like what they suffered when they followed the U.S. policy in Ukraine war which has affected their economies and now European countries are currently struggling with high inflation, recession and strikes by workers or different walks of the life that their livelihood has been affected by the bad economy.

Once for all we advise Washington to stop its hostile attitude against Iran and stop imposing sanctions against Iranians because these actions are unable to hurt the strong determination of brave Iranians who are ready to fight to their death for their country and independence and expelling any invader from the country and even recent funny move of Europeans are in vain.