Tehran, Hanoi to Cooperate on Halal Trade
Tehran, Hanoi to Cooperate on Halal Trade
In a webinar held by Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC) of Iran and Institute for Africa and Middle East Studies (IAMES) of Vietnam, both sides decided to sign a MoU on starting joint cooperation in the field of halal products.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –In a webinar held by Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center (ICRIC) of Iran and Institute for Africa and Middle East Studies (IAMES) of Vietnam, both sides decided to sign a MoU on starting joint cooperation in the field of halal products.

In the webinar which was held due to efforts of Iran’s Ambassador to Vietnam Mr. Ali Akbar Nazari and Director General of IAMES Mr. Le Phuoc Mineh on cooperation opportunities in the field of halal, Mr. Nazari, Mr. Phuoc Mineh, Secretary General of ICRIC Mr. Mohammad Reza Karbasi, Senior Advisor to ICRICMr. Shojaee, Technica director of ICRIC Mr. Eskandari, Founder of Halal Center of Vietnam Mr. Ramlan Osman were present.

In the webinar, Director Gneral of IAMES Phuoc Mineh said that the issue of halal industry in Vietnam is pursued seriously, adding that Vietnam is planning a 10-year strategy in the halal industry which will be signed into effect by the prime ministry and currently specially in north Vietnam, there is no correct understanding and cognizance about the halal products, and providing these products in stores are not easily possible.

Then Iran’s Ambassador to Vietnam Mr. Nazari pointed to the high and growing capacity of halal products in the global market as well as growing population of Muslims in South and West Asia and North Africa. He added that according to statistics, costs which are spent for halal products was 1.3% of total $4.1b 4.in 2020 and it is predicted that this figure will reach $9.1 trillion in 2024 and $15b in 2050.

He went on to say that halal is not today limited to food and there is a vast range of products like in cosmetics and medicines and these products have very positive impact on developing the tourism industry, economy and marketing services in Vietnam.

Nazari noted that Vietnam is interested in increasing its halal products to halal market especially in West Asia, adding that Iran due to its 90m population whose majority is Muslim is a good market for halal products of Vietnam and Iran also has excellent experience and knowledge in the field of halal.

He added that every year some 50 Vietnamese companies get certificate for halal products while only products of 20 companies of this country are exported. He announced readiness of Iran for developing Vietnam’s halal market into the country and halal market through holding necessary grounds like signing agreement, holding seminar, training and sharing experiences and certificates of halal.

Meanwhile Founder of Halal Center of Vietnam Mr. Ramlan Osman said that there is no certain understanding about the meaning of halal in Vietnam and only the looks are directed at the logo of halal while using the principles of sharia in making a product halal is very necessary. He added that due to the experiences of the OIC members especially Iran in this field, he called for cooperation with Tehran for broadening cognizance and knowledge about halal products in Vietnam.

Then Secretary General of ICRIC Mr. Karbassi said that halal industry is expanding in the world and it is predicted that the value of global halal market would reach $2 trillion in 2027 and Iran ranked 6th in the world in 2020 in producing halal food among Muslim and non-Muslim states.

He then pointed to imports of $348b of goods by Vietnam and said that import from Iran accounts for $81m of the total amount of Vietnam’s imports, and only $15m belongs to import of food. Karbasi noted that Vietnam’s exports are valued at $418b and $43m of the amount is Iran-bound and $34m of it belongs to exporting food products to Iran.

He added that major part of trade between the two countries is foodstuff and there are other grounds in the halal field for cooperation between the two states.

Karbasi also called for establishment of ICRIC office in Vietnam and raised the issue of signing MoU on cooperation in the fields of inspecting halal food producers and exchange of information in the field of OIC halal standards.

Then Mineh welcomed the suggestion for signing MoU and exchange of information and emphasized sharing experience of Iranians in halal products for implementing a national plan in Vietnam, added that launching halal restaurants and halal tourism in Vietnam are on the agenda of Halal Center of Vietnam.