Team Melli, fight for people’s joy!
Team Melli, fight for people’s joy!
–Iranian pupils in a primary school in Tehran wrote emotional and encouraging messages to the national football team, wishing them to strive for people’s happiness.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –Iranian pupils in a primary school in Tehran wrote emotional and encouraging messages to the national football team, wishing them to strive for people’s happiness.

The school’s principal walked into the classrooms and asked the young boys to take a piece of paper and write down whatever they want to tell the champions of the national team. The sound of shouting along with the enthusiasm of the children rose into the air while asking if their messages reach the national team players!

“Hello and greetings to the national team. I wish you win the championship. You can! Although you lost the first match, I promise that we will be the first or the second. We will win. Our hearts are with you,” wrote Arad, who was wearing a wide smile, drawing a heart at the bottom of the sheet.

Mohammad Mehdi also wrote, “Hello. I wish you success. Fight for people’s joy. You will win. To the end of our lives for Iran.”

“National team (called Team Melli in Persian), you are very strong and I will always love you,” Reza wrote with his signature “My Dear Iran”.

Amir Ali’s message was “The American national team is 11 people, while you are 80 million.”

The happy children of Shahid Ali Qaneh Primary School in District 9 of Tehran then gathered in the schoolyard, with their manuscripts and the tricolor flag of the country. They showed the victory sign to the camera and recorded a picture.

  • source : Tehrantimes