Negotiators to Resist Excessive Demands in Vienna Talks
Negotiators to Resist Excessive Demands in Vienna Talks
Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iranian negotiators in the Austrian capital Vienna will not yield to excessive demands.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Iranian negotiators in the Austrian capital Vienna will not yield to excessive demands.

“In the negotiations, things are going well, and the negotiating team is keeping the president and the Supreme National Security Council and others informed, they are making decisions and moving forward. Our negotiating team has so far resisted the excessive demands of the other side, and God willing, it will continue to do so,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a meeting with high ranking officials in Tehran on Tuesday.

The leader noted that the United States was the party that broke its promises under the 2015 nuclear deal and has now reached a dead end.

The Leader called on Iranian officials not to tie planning for the country to the outcome of the talks in Vienna.

Stating that the nuclear issue is now being highly considered in diplomacy, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the country’s diplomacy is on the right track.

He also referred to the Saudi-led war in Yemen asking the Saudis why they are refusing to end a war they know they cannot win.

“Given the efforts of the Yemeni people, with the courage that their leaders show, with the practical initiatives that they have in different sectors, there is no chance of victory. So why does a war in which there is no chance of victory continue? Find yourself a way out of this war,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated, addressing Saudi officials.

On the Palestinian issue, the leader said despite the policies of the Americans and the policies of the American followers who wanted the issue of Palestine to be forgotten, the Palestinian issue is alive.

“Today, the Palestinian youth in the 1948 lands, not in distant lands, in the very center of occupied Palestine have awakened, are moving, making efforts, working, and this will continue. Undoubtedly, it will continue, and by God’s grace, according to God’s promise, victory will be with the Palestinian people,” Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

The Leader stated that all the problems of the country can definitely be solved. In explaining various aspects of the slogan of the year, he said, “The system of power in the Islamic Republic and its various achievements in different areas has turned Iran into an attractive role model for nations. Making the people lose hope and making them feel we have come to a dead-end situation is an act of oppression against the people and the Revolution.”


Referring to the good direction pursued by the diplomacy of the country, he said, “The officials should not wait at all for the nuclear issue to be resolved. Based on the realities of the country, they should plan and take action to solve the problems in the country.” Imam Khamenei described the officials in charge of the negotiations as being revolutionary, pious, diligent individuals. He explained, “The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the other officials involved in the negotiations deliver detailed reports to centers within the country. It is alright to criticize and evaluate their performance provided that such opinions are devoid of distrust and pessimism. As I have frequently said before, such opinions should not undermine the individuals involved or cause the people to lose hope.”

Expressing his satisfaction with the resistance of the negotiating team to the other sides’ aggression and avarice, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated, “The other side withdrew from the JCPOA and broke its commitments. Now they feel helpless and have reached a dead end. But the Islamic Republic will pass through this stage as it has passed through many stages before this by relying on its people.”

Expressing his satisfaction with the widespread presence of the youth in the managerial system of the country, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution called on all officials to beware of two important harms, namely arrogance and passivity. He explained, “Arrogance due to one’s position, achievements, God’s Grace or any other thing will be the beginning of one’s personal, social and professional decline. It will cause officials to drift away from the people as a result of one’s illusions.”

Pointing to passivity as being the second harm, His Eminence said, “Passivity means having a sense of being at a dead end. It is the opposite of arrogance, and it is very dangerous. The enemies are trying to inject this into society and officials. On the basis of God’s irreversible promise, the way to confront this plot of the enemy is patience and piety. Patience means not becoming tired and fleeing the arena, and piety means being vigilant of oneself and watching the enemy carefully.”

He stressed that piety has a vast scope and that it has a different meaning in different areas, such as the areas of economy, diplomacy and security. He added, “Today, making the people hopeless and injecting a sense of being in a dead-end situation is an act of oppression against the people, the country and the Revolution.”

Referring to some of the negative indexes regarding the economy of the country, Imam Khamenei said, “Problems and issues exist, but they are solvable. The criteria for judging the country and its achievements should not be confined to economic factors, and we should consider other factors as well.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also stated, “Despite the negative indexes regarding the economy, there are signs of success in this area too. An example of this is the resilience of the country’s economy in the face of unprecedented sanctions.”

Elsewhere in his statements, he touched on the slogan of the year and brought up some points regarding it. He referred to some people’s viewpoint that being knowledge-based and creating employment is incompatible with one another and explained, “It is true that with progress in technology, there will be less need for manpower. However, this does not hold true for our country which has many untapped, unexploited capacities in downstream areas. By making production knowledge-based in these areas, employment opportunities will increase by several times.”

He stated that the result of knowledge-based production will be an improvement in the quality of the workforce and the employment of the educated youth. In addition, he said, “Unfortunately, a high percentage of the graduates in the country are working in occupations not related to their field of study. But with the expansion of knowledge-based companies, the quality of the workforce will improve and the [educated] elite will no longer need to be employed in occupations of little value.”