Commander Warns Israel of Crushing Response If It Is Attacked
Commander Warns Israel of Crushing Response If It Is Attacked
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) warned Israel of a 'crushing' response to any attack on its nuclear and military sites, emphasizing that the country will target the source of any aggression against its sensitive sites.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Commander Warns Israel of Crushing Response If It Is Attacked. Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) warned Israel of a ‘crushing’ response to any attack on its nuclear and military sites, emphasizing that the country will target the source of any aggression against its sensitive sites.

“If such threats are carried out, the Islamic Republic’s Armed Forces will immediately and decisively attack all centers, bases, routes, and spaces used to carry out the aggression,” Major General Gholam Ali Rashid, commander of Khatam al-Anbiya Central Headquarters, said at a meeting with commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force on Monday, Nour News reported.

In a veiled warning to Washington, the top general pointed out that any Israeli threat against Iranian sites will be impossible without the support of the United States.

The remarks come as Israeli minister of military affairs Benny Gantz told officials in Washington last week that he had directed the regime’s military to prepare for the possibility of a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

Iranian politicians and military officials have repeatedly warned Israel against any adventurism against the Islamic Republic, pledging a crushing response to any attack.

Last week, Iran’s Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said Israel’s empty threats hail from Tel Aviv’s fear of the Islamic Republic, adding that the country’s firm response to any Israeli aggression would bring forward the occupying entity’s annihilation.

The New York Times, citing several current and former Israeli military officials and experts, reported on Saturday that the Tel Aviv regime lacks the ability to act on its threats of launching an attack against nuclear sites in Iran, as the Islamic Republic has significantly promoted its defense capabilities.

According to retired Israeli air force general Relik Shafir, Iran has dozens of nuclear sites, some deep underground that would be hard for Israeli bombs to quickly penetrate and destroy.

One current Israeli security official said the Tel Aviv regime did not currently have the ability to inflict any significant damage to the underground facilities in Natanz and Fordow.

Meanwhile yesterday Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched a large-scale military exercise in an area stretching along the southern shores of the country on the Persian Gulf and the strategic Strait of Hormuz, with the participation of airborne units, ground, and naval forces.


Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan, the IRGC’s deputy chief of operations and spokesman for the Great Prophet 17 joint drills, said the drills involve various IRGC units, such as the aerospace force and the cyber-electronic division, and covers the coastlines of the southern Iranian provinces of Hormozgan, Bushehr, and Khuzestan.

He noted that the participating units will carry out offensive operations so as to destroy the hypothetical enemy’s sources of attacks.

“The military exercise is meant to increase the preparedness of the IRGC combat units. It simulates one of the most sophisticated offensive plans used in hybrid warfare and replicates synchronicity and coherence in soft, semi-hard, and hard areas of combat,” the senior Iranian military official said.

General Nilforoushan went on to say that the Basij volunteer force will bring in human force for naval and ground exercises at the drill.

A series of military systems and weapons recently delivered to the IRGC will be brought into action during the war game, the general noted.

“The military drills carry the message of defending and safeguarding the national security, as well as peace, friendship and comfort for neighbors. Our defense doctrine rests upon security and might, as well as active and smart deterrence in the Persian Gulf region,” he explained.