Leader Endorses Raisi, Hails Nation’s Turnout in Election
Leader Endorses Raisi, Hails Nation’s Turnout in Election
Hojjatoleslam Seyed Ebrahim Raisi is now officially the 8th president of the Islamic Republic of Iran after his mandate was endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei at a ceremony in Tehran, weeks after the ex-Judiciary chief won the country’s 13th presidential election by a landslide.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Leader Endorses Raisi, Hails Nation’s Turnout in Election. Hojjatoleslam Seyed Ebrahim Raisi is now officially the 8th president of the Islamic Republic of Iran after his mandate was endorsed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei at a ceremony in Tehran, weeks after the ex-Judiciary chief won the country’s 13th presidential election by a landslide.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s decree, endorsing the presidential mandate of Raisi, was read out at the event by head of the leader’s office. The ceremony took place at Imam Khomeini Hosseiniyeh in Tehran in full compliance with COVID safety protocols and was attended by the country’s senior state and military officials.

In the decree, the Leader called on the new president to work toward activating the country’s capabilities and paving the way for a leap forward in all sectors, placing an especial emphasis on economy.

“Today, our dear country is thirsty for valuable service and is ready to make a leap in all areas. The country needs competent, jihadi, intelligent, courageous management that can organize the manifest and hidden capabilities of the nation — in particular those of the youth, which are much greater in scope than the problems,” read the decree.

A management is needed that can bring these capabilities into the field for constructive work and endeavor, eliminate the obstacles in the way of production, seriously pursue policies for strengthening the national currency, and empower the middle and lower classes of society that are shouldering the burden of economic problems, it added.

Delivering a speech at the event, the Leader said in many countries, the transition of power is usually marred by conflict, but the process in Iran has been peaceful and secure at various junctures.

“This [endorsement] ceremony, which is based on the Constitution and is a legacy of the great Imam [Khomeini], has been repeated many times over the past decades. It is a symbol of the transition of the very important responsibility of the government’s executive branch, namely managing the country, in a rational, peaceful and dignified manner. This is a highly significant issue,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The Leader further called for a swift formation of the administration and said, “The country’s conditions do not warrant a delay” in the process.

Ayatollah Khamenei advised the new president to make efforts to realize the “Popular Administration” slogan, under which he campaigned for election, and maintain a close relationship between the administration and the people.


“Resolving the economic problems takes time. Our dear people already know that,” said the Leader. “Endeavors should be made to shorten the period as much as possible.”

These days, the Leader said, the country’s shortcomings and woes have been much discussed, but Iran’s capacities in different sectors are extraordinary and beyond the problems.

“Undoubtedly, problems can be overcome on the back of these capacities on the condition that they be well understood and tireless and round-the-clock efforts be made [to resolve the,],” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

He also pointed to the enemy’s propaganda war, saying, “Our enemies today are most active in soft warfare and media warfare in order to dominate public opinion, and in this way, they spend huge sums of money and do a lot of work. They seek to capture public opinion to advance their own plans. In this regard, [the country’s] media measures need to be stronger and smarter.”