Terrorist groups shot people at Khuzestan province
Terrorist groups shot people at Khuzestan province
Representative of Dasht-e-Azadegan in the parliament said on Sunday that terrorists have misused the atmosphere created in protest over water shortage and shot two young people at Shadegan and Karoun cities.

TEHRAN (Iran News) –  Terrorist groups shot people at Khuzestan province. Representative of Dasht-e-Azadegan in the parliament said on Sunday that terrorists have misused the atmosphere created in protest over water shortage and shot two young people at Shadegan and Karoun cities.

Qassem Sa’edi said that unfortunately “some of the Zionist servants and puppets used the atmosphere to infiltrate the people by chanting destructive slogans and opening fire at protestors, killing two young people at Shadegan and Karoun cities in Khuzestan province.

“The people of Khuzestan, as soon as they saw these behaviors, separated their position from these people and declared their support for the establishment,” he said.

He also said at the time of the protests, security forces did not resort to any force against protesters, and the shooting was carried out by the terrorist groups.

On July 15 and 16, some of the streets at Shadegan became crowded and a group of citizens staged protest rallies in several other southern cities of Khuzestan.

Videos posted online showed police showing composure, guiding people at the bottom of the line or in front of the line to prevent damage to public properties.