JCPOA Apparently a Dead Deal
JCPOA Apparently a Dead Deal
After weeks of talks in Vienna over revival of the JCPOA and rejoin of the U.S. to the JACPOA seems to  been dead and the Islamic Republic of Iran should not trust on the Western sides any longer for reaching any agreement because it is the nature of the West to prolong the talks for imposing its irrelevant and hegemonic demans.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – JCPOA Apparently a Dead Deal. After weeks of talks in Vienna over revival of the JCPOA deal and rejoin of the U.S. to the JACPOA seems to  been dead and the Islamic Republic of Iran should not trust on the Western sides any longer for reaching any agreement because it is the nature of the West to prolong the talks for imposing its irrelevant and hegemonic demans.

As the senior Iranian officials had repeatedly reiterated, the U.S. and its allies seek come unacceptable demands from the Islamic Republic of Iran that the latter will not give in because once in 2015 trusted the West and saw its result.

Kazem Gharibabadi, Iran’s permanent ambassador to Vienna-based international organizations, reflected on a warning recently issued by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei about the West’s intention to use the 2015 nuclear deal to enable interference in the country’s affairs.

He referred to the warning issued by Ayatollah Khamenei on Wednesday, during the Leader’s last meeting with the outgoing Iranian administration’s officials.

During the meeting, the Leader cited the administration’s experience of dealing with the West on the issue of the nuclear agreement as an important case in point that had clearly shown “trust in the West does not work and will not work [in the future either].”

Ayatollah Khamenei noted to the outgoing officials how the Western side had been trying — during the recent talks concerning the nuclear deal — to set up a condition in the deal that would turn into an excuse for the West’s subsequent interference in Iran’s affairs.

The Leader reiterated that “trust on the West does not work” and he really is right.

On Thursday U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken rudely said that nuclear talks with Iran “cannot go on indefinitely” but that Washington was “fully prepared” to continue negotiations.

The deal was torpedoed in 2018 by then US president Donald Trump, who unilaterally withdrew from the agreement and imposed punishing sanctions.

“We’re committed to diplomacy, but this process cannot go on indefinitely… we look to see what Iran is ready to do or not ready to do and remain fully prepared to return to Vienna to continue negotiations,” Blinken said during a visit to Kuwait. “The ball remains in Iran’s court,” he noted.

Blinken’s remarks came while it was the U.S. which violated the deal and pulled out of it and the other Western signatories followed the path of their ally the U.S. While the Islamic Republic of Iran should set condition for the U.S. for its rejoin to the JCPOA, it is the U.S. which rudely seeks its excessive demands.

As the Supreme Leader has reiterated the Western countries have even been trying to advance a provision that could pave the way for their meddling in the Islamic Republic’s affairs.

The nuclear deal has its own timetables that ensure implementation of its purposes and the other demand runs strictly counter to the talks’ agenda too.

Therefore, the Iranian side roundly rejected the proposal since this insistence “showed that they still consider the nuclear agreement to be a bridge enabling their interference in irrelevant issues such as Iran’s missile work and its regional affairs.”

Gharibabadi echoed the Leader’s remarks during the Wednesday meeting that such insistence on the part of the Americans had come while they, themselves, had “refused to retrace even one step towards reversing their adversarial stance concerning Iran.”

Tehran would resolutely stand by its assertion that neither the talks nor the nuclear deal are allowed to feature any irrelevant subject matters such as Iran’s defensive missile program or its regional influence.

Now the American paper The Wall Street Journal in a report has claimed that the United States is planning a sanctions campaign against Iran’s defensive drones and guided missiles program, six months after the administration of Joe Biden, who had promised to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal and remove anti-Iran sanctions, assumed office. So the U.S. is to show its true arrogance nature but this time under Biden through increasing pressure on Iran.

The past experience shows that Iran should not trust on the West and it should take a very cautious and wise action against the West’s move and one cannot expect a bright future for the JCPOA because the U.S. excessive demands and its hostile attitude against the Islamic Republic of Iran is the major hurdle in front of any fair deal.

As the Leader repeatedly reiterated domestic programs should in no way be tied to Western states under any circumstances due to the proven failure of such an approach because the U.S. and its allies will not leave their hostile stance against Iran and will not move even one step forward during the talks and for this reason Iran should not retreat any inch from its rights otherwise it will make the West much rude ask for more irrelevant and excessive demands.