TEHRAN (Iran News) – The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on his Wednesday remarks said officials have decided to continue talks with P4+1 countries on the JCPOA but warned against protraction of talks and once again reiterated that Iran would only return to its commitments under the accord once it has verified that all U.S. sanctions have been removed.
Political analysts believe that the U.S. would benefit the protracted talks and it can make Iran accept more of its conditions at the negotiating table. One of the political analysts warned Iranian negotiating team of avoiding protraction of talks because it will be against Iran’s interests. He listed four reasons that the Americans are trying to protract talks in order to dictate their conditions in the JCPOA regarding other issues like regional and missile programs.
One of the reasons for protraction of talks is that the Americans think that to return to the JCPOA, they have to give concessions and have to fulfill some of their JCPOA obligations which had not been even fulfilled during the Barack Obama Administration and Trump Administration also left them. Currently no determination is seen in the Biden Administration to fulfill some of the obligations accepted during the 2015 agreement and talks of attribution will help them to delay fulfilling their obligations and they can get more concessions from Iran by protracting the talks.
The other reason that the Americans like the talks are protracted is to get some concessions on defense, missile and regional issues and its solution is in protracting the talks. The Supreme Leader in his remarks reiterated that they want to dictate some of their conditions on Iran.
The analyst noted the Iranian negotiating team under pressure from some officials in the country rush to conclude the talks as soon as possible and the protracted talks would make them tired and they may give concessions as the U.S. wants. So protracted talks are against Iran’s interests.
The analysts also believe that U.S. President Joe Biden does not have enough power to lift all sanctions due to opposition in the Democrat-dominated Congress because some of the Democrat Congressmen also Senators are against lifting the imposes sanctions and Biden is not ready to mess with them and he will benefit the protraction of talks.
Of course, some part of Zionist lobbying is active in the Congress, and by the way, Saudis and the Emiratis are also active to influence the Congressmen on not backing the removal of sanctions and therefore prolongation of the talks will be good for them, either.
The other reason that Americans like the talks to be protracted is the upcoming Iran presidential election as some part of the Democrats in the Biden Administration like to influence Iran presidential election and it is not a complicate issue. It is nature because we also had our choice in the U.S. presidential elections and we wanted someone to take power who exerts less pressure on our country. So the Democrats want someone to take power in Iran to give more concessions to them. In order to influence the election, they need propagation and for this reason and to this end, they may partially unfreeze some of Iran’s assets, and even for it, they need the talks to go on. There is even no consensus in the Biden Administration on unblocking Iran’s assets in the Biden Administration.
To counter this theory of the Americans, Iran should not give them enough time to protract the talks and it should continue its nuclear activities with pace because although some inside the country do not understand the significance of nuclear activities, the opposite side knows it well and the Majlis approval on the nuclear policy should be carried out and it should not be delayed under different pretexts and it should give the Americans to plan other plots and the talks should end as soon as it is realized it is just waste of time and energy.