Rouhani terms continuation of anti-Iran sanctions as oppression against nation
Rouhani terms continuation of anti-Iran sanctions as oppression against nation
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed the Zionist regime of Israel and the regional reactionaries for the continuation of anti-Iran sanctions which he described as "oppression against the great Iranian nation."

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Speaking at the cabinet session in Tehran Wednesday morning, President Rouhani advised the White House officials not to postpone steps to resume implementation of international laws.

American officials should know that Iran will immediately return to its commitments as soon as they do so, and this is what the Supreme Leader has placed emphasis on, the president announced.

On the first anniversary of the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2019, Iran decided to reduce its commitments to the international deal, based on Articles 26 and 36 to reciprocate the US move.

As the president stressed, victory will be embraced soon if unity promotes.

Those who hatched a plot against Iran and the [Islamic] system have today admitted defeat, and this shows that “victory is near,” President Rouhani added.

Iran has called on the White House to return back to the international laws without hesitation and not to be ashamed of doing so, said the Iranian President on Wednesday. Rouhani made the remarks during a cabinet session on Wednesday, asserting that Islamic Republic will return to all its obligations immediately if the US returns back to its commitments.

“The Leader of the Islamic Revolution explicitly stated that if those who broke the deal return, we will also return to it”, Rouhani reiterated.

“Sanctions are the will of the Zionists and we should not allow the will of the Zionists to be implemented”, he stressed.

Referring to Biden’s tendency to return to the table of JCPOA, he expressed hope that the new US administration show in practice that it does not seek to continue economic terrorism against the Iranian nation and to violate international laws.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he emphasized the importance of unity against the economic war, saying, “Victory is not far away, it is near. The designers’ of maximum policy who sought to bring the Iranian nation to its knees, today explicitly admitted their own defeat.”

  • source : IRNA