Iran warns of ‘decisive response’ to any Israeli adventurism
Iran warns of ‘decisive response’ to any Israeli adventurism
Iran has reacted to the provocative and hawkish comments of an Israeli official, stressing that it will give a crushing response to any threat by the occupying regime.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – In a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the current president of the UN Security Council on Saturday, Iran’s ambassador to the UN Majid Takht-Ravanchi, said, “Recently, the Israeli regime has not only intensified its provocative and hawkish remarks against the Islamic Republic of Iran but is also actively planning to carry out its hostile threats against Iran.”

Referring to a top Israeli military official’s “false” claims about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program on January 26 as the latest case of such anti-Iran threats, the Iranian ambassador said, “In addition to their current plans against Iran, the Israeli military forces are also preparing operational plans to develop them for the next year, as such plans must be ‘on the table’.”

“Such threats are a blatant violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter”, Takht-Ravanchi said.

He urged the international community to give an appropriate response given the “dark record of the regime in attacking regional countries”.

The Iranian envoy to the UN warned about any Israeli military adventurism against Iran, adding, “We reserve our natural right to defense, and will give a decisive response to any threat or incorrect move by the Israeli regime.”

“It is perfectly clear that the Israeli regime must shoulder full responsibility for its unbridled and incorrect moves,” he warned, calling on the Security Council to confront Israel’s “destabilizing” policies and “hawkish” moves.

In late January, Israeli Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi warned the administration of US President Joe Biden against rejoining the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, adding that he had ordered his forces to step up preparations for possible offensive action against Iran.

“I instructed the army to prepare a number of operational plans in addition to the existing ones,” he said. “We are taking care of these plans and will develop them during the coming year. Those who decide on carrying them out, of course, are the political leaders. But these plans have to be on the table.”

In reaction to his remarks, Iranian military officials fired back by saying the regime will only speed up its annihilation if it makes even the slightest move.

Hossein Dehghan, a military advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, downplayed the threats that the Tel Aviv regime issues against the Islamic Republic from time to time and said the Israelis “do not even dare to fire a bullet at dear Iran.”

  • source : Mehr