TEHRAN (Iran News) – The anniversary of the assassination of exalted martyred brigadier of Iran and Islam Haj Qassem Soleimani all over the world incited grief that since the martyrdom of him and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and their comrades, this grief has not cooled down. Grief that at the very first sight look explodes the revenge feeling inside human and makes him burst into crying and tearing.
The number of interviews which go viral in cyberspace in Arabic, Turkish, Chinese, English, Spanish, and even in French language and is so big that at least 5 percent of them could be translated and it is an indication to this point that Soleimani and his comrades have created a passion in the hearts of the world people, whether the adolescent or the old, which is similar to the passion of the third Imam of Shiites, Imam Hussein (A) towards Islam.
Almighty Allah in different chapters of the Holy Quran points to “martyr”. In the second chapter of the Holy Quran, Al-Baqarah (The Cow), and verse 154 He says, “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah. They are dead. Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not.” In the Battle of Badr which was the first war waged by the infidels on the dear Prophet of Islam, fourteen Muslims were martyred that six of them were from Muhajirun (the first converts to Islam and the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s advisors and relatives, who emigrated with him from Mecca to Medina) and eight from the Ansar (the local inhabitants of Medina who, in Islamic tradition, took the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers (the Muhajirun) into their homes when they emigrated from Mecca during the hijra).
Some people used to say so-and-so was dead. Then this verse descended by Allah and forbid them to avoid such thought. Allah says, “And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah, They are dead.” Nay, they are living, though ye perceive (it) not.”
Not only are martyrs’ names or impacts of their efforts alive and will stay alive but also they have a genuine purgatory life, a life filled with joy, livelihood, and good news, a life close to God’s blessing where there is no room for fear and grief. In this regard, and verse 169 of the third chapter of the Holy Quran, Aal Imran (the Family of Omran), Almighty God yells, “Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord.” At the end of the Battle of Uhud, Abu Sufyan loudly shouted, “These 70 deads of Muslims in the Battle of Uhud instead of our 70 dead in the Battle of Badr.” But Almighty Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Our dead rest in Paradise but yours are in the hell.” So the Almighty has responded to the infidels in this chapter of the Holy Quran, in order words, He says “do not think those who are killed on path of God die but they are beside God and live and even earn their livelihood.”
In the narrations, it has been mentioned that martyr has been granted with seven special blessings by God: the first drop of his blood makes his sins be forgiven; puts his head on the lap of the houri (women who will accompany faithful believers in Paradise); adorned with Paradise dressings; aromatized with the best smelling perfumes; sees his position in the Paradise; he is allowed to excursion in all part of the Paradise; curtains are pulled away and he looks at God’s face. “Sobhan Allah (Glorified be Allah) for this greatness which is said about the martyr.”
Soleimani, Abu-Mahdi, martyrs of resistance, and all martyrs through history, all and all, are alive and we talk with them. Among the very these Sacred Defense martyrs, there are some martyrs that people have recourse to their tombs, and their prayers are fulfilled. We, humans, are covered in different hijabs (dressings). The sin has this property that it runs man in secret. Many humans despite being innocent find purgatorial eyes and can see the beyond. Our infallible imams have been so, and Imam Mahdi (A) may the soul of the world be sacrificed for his sake is the same as whatever he wishes he can know and see.
Martyrs all, that with sacrificing their first blood whose sins are forgiven, are the same. The excursion in the skies. They fulfill prayers and are redeemed in the world of Creation. And Soleimani is definitely of this type. Voice of the nation’s approval is the signature of this word that it is a software voice of the type of revelation, of the type of inspiration, of the type of understanding, of the type of perception, and the type of dignity.
Materialists do not understand this point. Materialist life grounds them. They are incapable of understanding the inspirational heavenly voice. The impact of the assassination of resistance martyrs on the world is a software one. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution during his meeting with the family of Martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani and a group of the organizers of the first memorial ceremony of him said, “More severe slaps to come are subduing the shallow dominion of the Front of Arrogance, which requires the efforts of our revolutionary youth and faithful elites.”
It is for sure that we will not fall short of taking revenge on Martyr Soleimani’s blood because of the global impacts of this martyrdom. Today we have a list of culprits of this big crime whether internal mercenaries or conductors of this assassination and undoubtedly will proceed with them in due time but this importance that martyrs like Haj Qassem are alive and awake and ready to lead the freedom-seeking nations for continuing their cause will not be forgotten, either.
- source : IRAN NEWS