TEHRAN (iran news),Directed by Ali Shah-Mohammadi, the short film narrates the story of an Iranian university student who is studying filmmaking in Brussels. Looking at the Brussels’ tramway, the student remembers her childhood memories.”Jordanian festival”
The short film has been produced in Tehran and Brussels and with Iranian and Belgian cast and crew.
The Karama Festival hosts a wide range of works in different genres from around the world.
The 2020 edition of the festival will be held on December 10-17
When talking about Iranian cinema and their films, names like Ashghar Farhadi, Abbas Kiarostami, Jafar Panahi and a lot more comes to mind. There is no doubt that Iranian feature films have been a big success but Iranian short films has been even more successful. There has been over 2,000 selected short films in film festivals in the past year alone. So it’s easy to say the short film community in Iran is one of the best in the world. So let’s take a look at the most successful Iranian short films in the past years.
Gaze (Negah)
Winner of Grand Jury Award at the AFI Fest, Negah is a great example of the high quality of Iranian short films in the recent years. Farnoosh Samadi directs and co-writes alongside Ali Asgari (do you remember The Silence?) a short film about a woman that while coming back from work late and witnessing a young man stealing in the bus. Gaze has been selected in over 90 film festivals around the world and is qualified for Academy Awards but we should wait and see if it’s going to get nominated this year.