Iran to determine time of response to Soleimani assassination
Iran to determine time of response to Soleimani assassination
Iran’s Secretary of Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei said that the timing of the response to the assassination of Lt. Gen. Soleimani depends on Iran’s planning.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – In an interview with Al-Manar TV Channel on Monday, Mohsen Rezaei said that in response to the assassination and martyrdom of General Soleimani, Iran dealt a fatal and courageous blow to the US base of Ain al-Asad, although Iran could have punished the United States more.

Referring to the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, he highlighted that a new war has begun between Iran and its enemies and this war continues.

As the end of the Trump administration comes to an end, the United States, in cooperation with the Zionist regime, is carrying out a series of actions against Iran, which in any case is another war, and it is natural to have martyrs in this war, but the war is not over yet, he added.

Emphasizing that it is Iran that will end the war, Rezaei said that Iran will punish the Zionist regime so that the Arab compromising countries will realize that they have made a big mistake.

He noted that Iran has started a situation of resistance since two years ago, which has been an effective and constructive resistance so far, pointing to the downing of a US spy drone in the Persian Gulf and the seizure of a UK ship.

  • source : Mehr