How Bavar-373 Became a “Belief”
How Bavar-373 Became a “Belief”
Among the news stuff in just a couple of days ago, there was some reporting the successful test of strategic and domestically-developed “Bavar-373”

How Bavar-373 Became a “Belief”

Among the news stuff in just a couple of days ago, there was some reporting the successful test of strategic and domestically-developed “Bavar-373”  (Bavar means belief in Persian) air defense missile system and its tracing and destroying of an electro-optic-guided target during the joint specialized air defense maneuver codenamed ‘Modafe’an-e Aseman-e Velayat 99’ (Guardians of Velayat’s Sky-99), and for the first time in a drill, the missile system successfully stopped a predetermined target.


What is evident and seen in the interviews of the commanders during this drill is that this was the first presence of the Bavar-373 system in an all-out drill rehearsal of a genuine air defense combat which registered a very successful performance in the framework of Iran’s integrated air defense network.

The state-of-the-art surface-to-air Bavar 373 missile defense system is Iran’s the first altitude air defense with high range which was designed and manufactured by the country’s experts and first was unveiled  in August 2019.

While congratulating this great success, Spokesman of ‘Modafean Aseman Velayat’ (The Defenders of Velayat Skies) Military Drill Second Brigadier General Amir Abbas Farajpour said, “Our country’s indigenous defense systems have a lot to demonstrate in the world and today we have appeared in this field on a global level. Of course, we have never been satisfied with the current situation and we are always updating and upgrading our systems and equipment to protect and defend the country’s sky from enemies’ threats.”

The spokesman of the drill has emphasized that during the drill, some air defense tactics were adopted by weighing the realities of a genuine combat with considering enemies’ capabilities, adding that for any visible and hidden angle in different layers of the air defense, necessary measures had been taken. He then said, “Our commanders in the air defense, with reviewing and weighing all weak and strong points of defensive plans and taking smart measures and actions, have been able to secure a safe sky under upgrading the defensive power. All designed hypothetical unmanned aircrafts and drones of enemies in the mid-altitude and their intrusion into the drill area were to be traced and destroyed by the Iranian Air Defense Force’s Mersad and the IRGC Aerospace Force’s Tabas defense systems which had been assigned by the integrated air defense network. Fire operations and rapid movement of defense systems from one location to other locations were among the measures taken in this stage of the drills, which were successfully carried out with the aim of preventing the hypothetical enemies to find the location of defense systems.”

According to the media center of the drill, during this joint specialized air defense of Guardians of Sky of Velayat’s Sky 99, besides Bavar-373 system, Mersad System of Air Force as well as Tabas System of IRGC targeted the hostile invading targets.

Meanwhile Qadir, Moraqeb and Bashir radars of the IRGC Aerospace Force and the Army Air Force detected flying targets over the general zone of the exercises, including manned and unmanned aircraft of the IRGC Aerospace Force and Army Air Force, which flew from various bases on the second day of massive aerial drills. After detection and tracing, the three powerful radars provided information on the discovered flying targets to the country’s integrated air defense network.

That under sanction resolutions restricting the national defense system as well as restrictions resulted by the disgraceful JCPOA agreement which had been imposed by the enemies and all of them have never been able to surround our defense power in the framework of their expectation, it is very surprising, and endless thanks to Almighty God.

It is very surprising that our committed, expert and religious forces in the Armed forces with a gradual pace and an amazing trust on God has enabled the country, which used once to demand even its smallest military needs from the foreigners, to be safe, from every direction, against any invasion of ill-wishers either regional or trans-regional ones. In fact it is exemplary in the history.

And this means only this item is praised more than all power showing stages achieved during the Sacred Defense. May God bless the founders of these innovations.

 By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

  • source : IRAN NEWS