Iran: Decoding Data of Crashed Ukrainian Plane Completed
Iran: Decoding Data of Crashed Ukrainian Plane Completed
The decoding of the black boxes of the Ukrainian passenger plane that was accidentally downed near Tehran in January has been completed.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – The head of the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran, Touraj Dehqani Zangeneh, said on Sunday that decoding the black boxes of the Ukrainian passenger plane that was accidentally downed near Tehran in January has been completed.

Zangeneh said that the “analyzable” data from the black boxes have now been sent to the countries which have lost their citizens in the incident, according to IRNA.

He made the remarks in a press conference in Tehran where he described the results of decoding the black boxes of the Ukrainian passenger plane.

Zanganeh said that following the incident, the plane’s black boxes were analyzed at the Civil Aviation Investigation Bureau in France and representatives from the US, Ukraine, France, Canada, Britain and Sweden were present during the process.

Stressing that a representative from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was also present to facilitate cooperation between the countries, Zanganeh said, “The data was retrieved and turned into analyzable information,” Press TV reported.

Elaborating on the data, the Iranian aviation official underlined that the Ukrainian passenger plane’s black boxes have only 19 seconds of conversation following the first explosion, though the second missile reached the plane 25 seconds later.

Zanganeh argued that the first missile explosion had sent shrapnel into the plane, likely disrupting the plane’s recorders.

Pointing to the situation in the cockpit, the official said there were three crew members and one instructor there, all of whom were piloting the plane until the last minute due to unusual conditions.

“Given the fact that the cockpit was cut off 19 seconds after the explosion and the second missile was fired 25 seconds later and reached the aircraft, no analysis of the performance and effects of the second missile can be obtained from the aircraft’s black boxes because parts of the first missile and its impact on the plane caused the simultaneous disconnection of the CVR and FDR boxes within 19 seconds,” Zanganeh noted.

The official said the retrieved information has been provided to the representatives of the relevant countries to submit their safety and technical analyses to the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization within the framework of ICAO standards.

Zanganeh underlined that such measures are aimed at preventing similar incidents, and to prevent any political use of this process which could overshadow the investigation process.

With 167 passengers and nine crewmembers on board, Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 crashed outside Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport on January 8, moments after take-off.

Iranian authorities acknowledged that the plane had been downed due to human error at a time when Iran’s air defenses were on high alert due to increased hostile American aerial activity in the aftermath of the US assassination of Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.

Iranian and Ukrainian officials have also held talks on the compensation to families of the victims.

  • source : Iran Daily