Iran Congratulates Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam on Independence Days
Iran Congratulates Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam on Independence Days
President of Iran Hassan Rouhani offered congratulations to his Kyrgyz and Vietnamese counterparts on the anniversary of the two Asian nations’ independence.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – President of Iran Hassan Rouhani offered congratulations to his Kyrgyz and Vietnamese counterparts on the anniversary of the two Asian nations’ independence.

In one of the messages sent on Monday, Rouhani congratulated Kyrgyzstan’s President Sooronbay Jeenbekov and its nation on the 29th anniversary of the central Asian country’s independence.

He also expressed hope that Tehran-Bishkek relations would continue to expand in all areas given their historical and cultural commonalities.

Calling for the removal of obstacles to the promotion of bilateral relations, Rouhani wished Kyrgyzstan prosperity and success.

August 31, 1991 is the day when Kyrgyzstan gained independence from the Soviet Union. The Supreme Council of the Kyrgyz Republic later adopted a Declaration of Independence of Kyrgyzstan.

In a separate message to his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Phu Trong, Rouhani congratulated the people and government of Vietnam on the anniversary of the Southeast Asian country’s Independence Day.

The president also hoped for the expansion of cooperation between the two nations in various fields in light of their age-old friendship and the high-ranking officials’ determination.

Vietnam’s National Day commemorates the Vietnam Declaration of Independence from France on September 2, 1945.

Japan occupied Vietnam during World War II but allowed the French to remain and exert some influence. At the war’s end in August 1945, a power vacuum was created in Vietnam.

Capitalizing on this, the Viet Minh launched the “August Revolution” across the country to seize government offices.

  • source : Tasnim, Iran News