Rouhani Warns of Reaction to Arms Embargo Extension
Rouhani Warns of Reaction to Arms Embargo Extension
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the lifting of a UN arms embargo on Iran as a significant achievement of the 2015 nuclear deal, warning that any US push to extend the embargo will draw Tehran’s reaction.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the lifting of a UN arms embargo on Iran as a significant achievement of the 2015 nuclear deal, warning that any US push to extend the embargo will draw Tehran’s reaction.

Addressing a cabinet session on Sunday, Rouhani said, “The termination of the arms embargo (on Iran) … is one of the important achievements of the JCPOA and if Americans want to question this achievement, other big countries know what our reaction will be.”

The Iranian president also expressed hope that “all countries who are members of the United Nations Security Council and the Board of Governors” of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), would be aware of “the US planning with regard to these plots.”

“We, for our part, will be successful in this regard and will weather these plans that the United States has made for Iran,” he said, Press TV reported.

Posting a tweet in early June, Iran’s UN ambassador said the US’ call for an extension of the UN Security Council’s arms embargo on Tehran lacked legal standing in international law.

Majid Takht-e Ravanchi said the US ambassador to the UN “wrongly” believes the US retains the right to initiate snapback of sanctions under the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

During past months, Washington has stepped up calls for the extension of a UN arms embargo on Iran, which will expire in October under UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which endorses Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

  • source : Tasnim, Irannews