Iranian expert to teach wushu techniques in IWUF’s online class
According To Iran News, The International Wushu Federation has invited Mohammad Reza Pourgholami-Nejad to teach some techniques through an online class to wushu practitioners across the world.
Pourgholami-Nejad will hold a live class on Sunday, June 14, at 8:00 AM Beijing time, to talk about ‘Taiji Ball Techniques and Workout’, as reported by IWUF’s website.
He is a Member of the Technical and Event Sub-Committee of the IWUF Technical Committee and a Member of the IWUF Grading Commission.
His talks come in the third week of online classes organized by the international federation amid the pandemic.
“During the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and in response to the call of wushu enthusiasts, the International Wushu Federation launched an Online Wushu Classroom Project on May 15, 2020, free of charge to all global wushu practitioners and the general public,” according to a report by IWUF’s website.
The full schedule of the classes is available at the IWUF’s website.