U.S. Presence in Persian Gulf Destabilizes Security in Region
U.S. Presence in Persian Gulf Destabilizes Security in Region
Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami lambasted the US’ illegal presence in the Persian Gulf region, saying the Americans are the main reason behind any insecurity in the region.

U.S. Presence in Persian Gulf Destabilizes Security in Region


TEHRAN – Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami lambasted the US’ illegal presence in the Persian Gulf region, saying the Americans are the main reason behind any insecurity in the region.

“The Americans have come from across the world to the Persian Gulf, and yet, make unfounded claims about security,” the defense made the comment on Friday on the sidelines of the National Army Day celebrations in Tehran.

“We are here at our home, while they have come from thousands of miles away, putting other countries in trouble by sanctions and threats,” he added.

On Wednesday, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that 11 high-speed boats, belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), have been moving alongside six US warships in the Persian Gulf.

Yesterday, President Hassan Rouhani congratulated the National Army Day, saying the Islamic Republic’s Army is the “guardian of the Iranian’s lives”.

In a message on Friday, Rouhani described “the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran as not the symbol of warmongering, but rather the manifestations of popular support and national interests,” stressing that “whether in war or peace, the Army is the guardian of Iran and Iranians’ lives.”

“Throughout the existence of the human beings, defending and confronting the enemy has always been one of the beauties of human life, and today we see this beauty both in the face of the visible enemy and in the face of the hidden enemy,” Rouhani said.

The president referred to the selfless efforts of the Iranian Armed Forces in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, saying, “The army is the guardian of Iran’s life, whether in war –hard war or soft war- or peace, whether on the front or on the street, whether in the barracks or in the hospital and the life of Iran is the life of all Iranians.”

“Today, the soldiers and generals of the Army, the commanders and the soldiers of the Army of the Guardians, along with the health defenders and the supporters of protecting the lives of the people, are creating an epic point in the history with empathy,” Rouhani said.

“In these difficult times, the armies around the world are less involved in the war, but a hidden enemy has come to fight all human beings.”

“The world will not forget this war. The most humane war in history in which all human beings and all armies fight for human beings,” he added.

He noted that “the greatness of the Army’s work at various stages in the social stage of helping the nation and the state during floods, earthquakes, diseases and other social disasters further proves the need to maintain the strength in war and defense in times of peace.”