Envoy: Extending Iran Arms Embargo Breaches UNSC Resolution
Envoy: Extending Iran Arms Embargo Breaches UNSC Resolution
 Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said any US attempt to extend an arms embargo against Iran would run counter to the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said any US attempt to extend an arms embargo against Iran would run counter to the UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

In an interview with IRNA on Wednesday, Majid Takht Ravanchi slammed the US’ claim about being still a participant of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as an unprecedented historical joke.

With its unilateral exit from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) two years ago, the United States violated its commitments under the 2015 multilateral accord and a subsequent UNSC Resolution 2231 as well, the ambassador said.

The US is now planning to extend an arms embargo which was unfairly imposed on Iran and is due to be lifted in October under the terms of the UNSC Resolution 2231, he said.

The ambassador added that the US is reportedly seeking to do so by passing another resolution, which he said will be in violation of the UNSCR 2231.

The US itself is a violator of a UN resolution, Takht Ravanchi said, adding, “It is unprecedented in the history of the United Nations that a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which has passed a resolution, violates the resolution itself, and also encourages other countries to violate it.”

Top US officials announced Washington’s withdrawal from the JCPOA two years ago and now they are seeking to become a party to the deal which would be rejected by the international community, the ambassador stated.

The US is just seeking to re-impose sanctions on Tehran, he said.

The US’ acts contravene the international law and are rejected both politically and by the international community, Takht Ravanchi said, stressing that those attempts will go nowhere.

  • source : Tasnim, Irannews