Russia ready to help Iran in fighting coronavirus
Russia ready to help Iran in fighting coronavirus
Russia foreign minister voiced his country's readiness to help Iran in its fight against the coronavirus.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Russia Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a phone conversation with his counterpart in Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif on Thursday voiced his country’s readiness to help Iran in its fight against the coronavirus.

Lavrov expressed sorrow over the death of some Iranians due to catching the deadly COVID-19 coronavirus, IRNA reported.

The two top politicians also discussed the perspective of economic and trade relations, mutual issues, the condition of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and the Syrian Crisis.

Iran and Russia have been exchanging views over the spread of coronavirus and cooperation to fight it.

On Monday, the head of Russia’s consumer protection agency voiced her country’s preparedness for helping Iran meet its pharmaceutical and medical equipment needs in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

Anna Popova made the remarks in a meeting with Iran’s Ambassador in Moscow Kazem Jalali when she added, “We are standing alongside the Iranian people in combating coronavirus.”

Jalali, for his part, appreciated her remarks as well as the Russian president’s expression of readiness during talks with President Hassan Rouhani for helping Iran in countering the contagious virus.

He also hoped that restrictions for issuing visas for the Iranians would soon be removed.

Russia’s consumer protection agency which is working under prime minister shoulders the responsibility of fighting coronavirus and providing necessities for that.

  • source : Iran Daily, Irannews