Islamic Establishment, White Hope of the World
Islamic Establishment, White Hope of the World
Since the day the Islamic Revolution of Iran celebrated it, it has been some 41 years and it has demonstrated great pictures for materialization of realities behind the needs on way to human happiness as well as revealing enemies’ dirty faces against this happiness.

Islamic Establishment, White Hope of the World

Since the day the Islamic Revolution of Iran celebrated it, it has been some 41 years and it has demonstrated great pictures for materialization of realities behind the needs on way to human happiness as well as revealing enemies’ dirty faces against this happiness.


Presence of some researchers and their visits to Iran which are sometimes accompanied by the conversion to Holy Islam religion makes this belief clearer that human nature’s need for finding the truths and philosophy of existence has been demonstrated in excellence of this establishment.

That before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, fighting with Great Satan (human soul) and confrontation with the Great Satan (the U.S. and its Allies) was hidden in a few people and between the books for purifying the soul is clear. But in fact, in the world of manifestation in confrontation with behaviors resulted with divine beliefs, even if the Islamic Republic did not exist, today Israel not only has fully occupied Palestine, it could also have occupied or dominated other Muslim states as the country in 1967 and during a six-day war defeated countries like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia and as Israel did occupy some part of their lands … and if the Islamic Republic was not, Daesh could have occupied Iraq and Syria as they  had managed to occupy 40 percent of Iraq and 70 percent of Syria before Iran’s involvement in fighting Daesh forces. Daesh forces could have continued their advancement to other states in the region and they could have expanded takfir and occupation in the Middle East if they were not stopped.

If the Islamic Republic was not, today there was not at all any country seemingly to be called Muslim country. So countries which claim they are flag-bearers of Muslim world like Saudi Arabia and their allies both flow their capitals into the pockets of the U.S. to become a milking cow for the devils of the world like the Great Satan, the U.S., and they are also busy with massacring Muslims in Vietnam, Yemen and India with American weapons.

If today the Islamic Republic of Iran has turned to be the beating heart of the wounded body of Islam that all corrupted people in the world from the U.S., Israeli and Saudi officials to anti-religion individuals and groups, homosexuals, opponents of hijab and families, supporters of white marriage and drugs and alcoholic drinks dealers who all dream of its collapse and destruction, it indicates an explicit confrontation between wrong and right in the spiritual and materialistic world.

This process which is deep-rooted in accepting beliefs, presented by divine messengers, cannot be destroyed and it will remain forever, as the beliefs are themselves lasting. Human being in its nature has always been in search of finding a hidden truth that Almighty God opens the way by the late Imam Khomeini in order that human being can reach his genuine path for his spiritual and materialistic life and to come out of his weak and passive thought.

The Islamic Republic is a turning point for those who are after perfection and its survival is the demand of perfectionists in the world. For this reason the late Imam Khomeini in his universal recommendation says, “Protecting the Islamic Republic is more important than protecting the lives of one or two people if he is Imam Zaman (A).”

Safeguarding the Islamic Republic equals to safeguarding Islam and Islam is that Imam Hussein (A) sacrificed his life for.

Martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani said that the Islamic Republic is a shrine and a shrine is for all humanity and humanity needs to follow Shiism and Islam for its perfection. That the late Imam emphasized safeguarding the Islamic Republic means that today if wounded devils can stretch their hands to the throat of this white hope, truth and rights will be wiped out from the world for ever and without any doubt, God will not let it happen. This is virtuous people in the world who help Almighty God for human perfection in a world on the verge of collapse. That God also helps them. As God says, “O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet.”

 By: Hamid Reza Naghashian