IAEA continues verification activities in Iran
IAEA continues verification activities in Iran
IAEA monitoring and verification of the implementation of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal continues in the country.

TEHRAN (Iran News) – Iran’s ambassador to the international organizations in Vienna said the IAEA monitoring and verification of the implementation of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal continues in the country.

Referring to a new report published by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday, Kazem Gharibabadi said the report reaffirmed that the agency’s verification activities on the implementation of the nuclear deal have continued since January 2016, according to IRNA.

According to Reuters, the report by the UN agency showed Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium now stands at more than five times the limit fixed under the deal signed between Tehran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – the United States, France, Britain, Russia, and China – plus Germany in 2015.

Under the deal, Iran undertook to put limits on its nuclear program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions.

However, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the international nuclear deal in May 2018 and stepped up sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Since then, Iran rowed back on its nuclear commitments five times in compliance with articles 26 and 36 of the agreement.

Iran says its reciprocal measures will be reversible as soon as Europe finds practical ways to shield the Iranian economy from unilateral US sanctions.

The European signatories to the deal have so far failed to uphold their commitments. They have expressed vocal support for the deal but failed to provide meaningful economic incentives as required under the nuclear agreement.

  • source : Iran Daily, Irannews