Iran missile forces alerted at high level: US official
Iran missile forces alerted at high level: US official

TEHRAN (Iran News) – According to a report, a US official has described Iran missile forces across the country at a “heightened state of alert”. The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, did not provide further details or say whether the Iran missile forces were taking aim at any specific targets. “They’re […]

TEHRAN (Iran News) – According to a report, a US official has described Iran missile forces across the country at a “heightened state of alert”.

The official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, did not provide further details or say whether the Iran missile forces were taking aim at any specific targets.

“They’re clearly at a heightened state of alert. Is that heightened state of alert to be better prepared defensively or to be better prepared offensively? That can’t be determined at this point,” the official said. “But we’re watching it closely.”

Following the assassination of Iran’s IRGC Quds Force Commander Lt. Gen. Qasem Soleimani and Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU) Chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis along with 8 others, in a US terrorist assault in Baghdad International Airport in Iraq on Friday, Iran vowed a harsh vengeance “in due time and right place” awaits criminals behind Soleimani’s assassination.

The bodies of the martyred commander and his Iranian companions were first transferred to the Iranian cities of Ahvaz and Mashhad, where massive funeral processions were held on Sunday. The cortege arrived in Tehran Monday morning, and will be heading to the holy city of Qom and finally to his hometown Kerman in the southeast for burial on Tuesday.

Both Soleimani and Muhandis were popular figureheads putting a stop to the rise of ISIL terrorism which once came as close as 30 km to Baghdad, while the US withdrew troops from Iraq and did nothing to stop the terrorists’ advances.

  • source : MNA, Irannews