Lebanese and Iraqis demands can be satisfied in legal framework
Lebanese and Iraqis demands can be satisfied in legal framework

TEHRAN (Iran News) – “The Lebanese and Iraqi nations are putting forward some reasonable demands but it is vital to know that their demands can be satisfied with the framework of the regulations of their countries,” Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the commander-in-chief of the Iranian Armed Forces Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said during […]

TEHRAN (Iran News) – “The Lebanese and Iraqi nations are putting forward some reasonable demands but it is vital to know that their demands can be satisfied with the framework of the regulations of their countries,” Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the commander-in-chief of the Iranian Armed Forces Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said during the annual graduation ceremony for military cadets held in Tehran on Wednesday.

In this ceremony, in referring to the recent developments in Iraq and Lebanon, Imam Khamenei emphasized, “The biggest damage that enemies can inflict on a country is to deprive them of security, as they have started to do so today in some countries in the region.”

He went on to say, “I recommend those who care in Iraq and Lebanon remedy the insecurity and turmoil created in their countries by the US, the Zionist regime, some western countries, and the money of some reactionary countries.”

The Leader of the Revolution stressed, “The Lebanese and Iraqis demands are justifiable, but they should know their demands can only be fulfilled within the legal structure and framework [of their country]. When the legal structure is disrupted in a country, no action can be carried out.”

Imam Khamenei reminded his audience, “The enemies engaged in the same plots against Iran; but fortunately, people acted in a timely manner, and the sedition was nullified.”

The Leader of the Revolution reminded, “Who imagined the Zionist Regime – which couldn’t be defeated by three Arab countries in 6 days – would be forced to retreat by the devout youth during the 33-day Lebanon War and the 22-day Gaza War? Be sure that God surely fulfills His promises.”

Imam Khamenei stressed, “The Great March of Return will lead to the return of the Palestinians one day, and the true owners of the land will return to it. Despite their heavy expenses, the Arrogant Powers have been defeated so far. They admitted themselves that they spent $7,000 B but didn’t gain anything.”

  • source : MNA, Irannews