In a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday night, Parviz Esmaeili, the president’s deputy chief of staff for communications and information, said, “Macron came again to Dr. Rouhani’s residence for negotiation a few minutes ago, without prior coordination after a meeting last night.”
During their talks, Johnson joined the meeting, he said, adding that Johnson’s visit, of course, had already been planned.
During the meeting with Johnson, Rouhani slammed a joint statement from France, the UK, and Germany that has accused Tehran of involvement in recent attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities.
Rouhani expressed disappointment over the statement and urged the three European countries to meet their obligations under the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
“We are very disappointed about the recent statement of the three European countries, which are at the same time parties to the JCPOA,” he said.
“The issuance of this baseless statement in the current sensitive and complex situation was not productive at all,” Rouhani added.