The Iranian play will be performed in Izmir on September 26 upon the invitation of the Halklarin Koprusu Association.
The story unravels in a five-member family living in Panjshir, one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan, and portrays a part of their life in a country at war, with focus on Afghan women’s oppression.
Halklarin Koprusu (Bridging Nations) aims to establish public solidarity and friendship between all people on the basis of equality, justice, and freedom.
According to Ahmadi, the play can present an analogy of the past and present and make the audience ponder on the adverse impact of war.
“The story conveys the hardships of Afghans caught in the conflict.”
“The whole effort is to take the audience into the Afghan conflict to understand their plight,” he noted.
- source : Mehrnews