Iran signs contract on buying flight check plane from Germany
Iran signs contract on buying flight check plane from Germany
Iran has signed a $9.9 million worth of contract with Germany for the purchase of its second flight check plane, CEO of Iran Airports and Air Navigation Company announced on Saturday.

Speaking to Mehr correspondent on Saturday, Siavash Amirmokri, CEO of Iran Airports and Air Navigation Company, said the company has signed a $9.9 million worth of contract with the German side for the purchase of a flight check plane. He added the purchase includes the plane, a flight information service (FIS) device which is installed on the plane and provides information pertinent to the safe and efficient conduct of flights, as well as some spare parts.

Due to the US sanctions, the German company cannot directly deliver the plane to Iran, he said, adding “as such, the company has said we could place an order with any other company that would be willing to sell the plane to us, and then the German company would take the plane from that seller and deliver it back to us after installing the FIS on it.”

“Right now, we are in talks with a third company for selling us the plane, and we have reached some results,” he added.

  • source : Mehrnews