Revolutionary diplomacy behind release of Iranian tanker: senior MP
Revolutionary diplomacy behind release of Iranian tanker: senior MP
A senior Iranian lawmaker said that Iran-operated oil tanker Adrian Darya 1 was released as the result of Revolutionary diplomacy based on resistance.

“Release of the Iranian tanker proved that diplomacy based on resistance and Revolutionary ideas is effective,” Alaeddin Boroujerdi, a member of Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, told Mehr on Monday.

“Our diplomacy on this issue was based on ensuring national security and interest of the country and also on Revolutionary diplomacy of resistance,” he added.

Despite all US pressures and requests, Gibraltar government on Wednesday ordered the release of the tanker, formerly known as Grace 1. Iran’s Ambassador to London Hamid Baeidinejad confirmed early Monday that the supertanker has started its journey in international waters 45 days after being seized in Gibraltar.

Britain’s naval forces unlawfully seized the vessel, then known as Grace 1, and its cargo of 2.1 million barrels of oil in the Strait of Gibraltar on July 4 under the pretext that the supertanker had been suspected of carrying crude to Syria in violation of the European Union’s unilateral sanctions against the Arab country.

“Seizing Iranian tanker was an illegal measure and an act of piracy by England upon US order,” added Boroujerdi.

“In line with its legal authorities and in a bid to ensure security of Hormuz Strait and the Persian Gulf, the Islamic Republic of Iran retaliated UK’s measure; because the security of the Persian Gulf region is the security of the Islamic Republic,” noted the lawmaker, referring to seizure of UK-flagged tanker Stena Impero after it had violated international maritime rules in the Strait of Hormuz.

“England’s measure was a threat to international maritime security, so the Islamic Republic of Iran decided to give a firm response since many countries send tankers to the Persian Gulf to buy oil and Iran couldn’t let the region face a crisis,” said Boroujerdi.

IRGC Navy Commander Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri highlighted on Sunday that Port and Maritime Organization of Iran (PMO) and Iranian Judiciary system have to decide on the fate of Stena Impero, adding, “there is no relation between the release of Grace 1 from Gibraltar and the British oil tanker detained by IRGC.”