Speaking to Mehr correspondent on Saturday, Saeid Sarkar, head of Head of Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC), said as many as 250 nanotechnology-enhanced products will hit the market this year, adding “in nanotechnology, we will definitely reach the point where both our production and our exports will see a remarkable increase.”
“At the moment, there are nearly 600 nanotechnology-enhanced products in the Iranian market, and 250 more will be added this year,” he added.
“We have plans to bring the number of Iranian nano products to 1400 in the Iranian calendar year 1400, which is in two years,” he said.
The INIC head then noted the good progress in the nanotechnology sector, saying “we targeted good opportunities that both contributed to the growth of our nano-based economy and increased the reach of our nano exports.”
- source : Mehrnews