US’s call for talk, a tactic to continue its anti-Iran policy: FM spox
US’s call for talk, a tactic to continue its anti-Iran policy: FM spox
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said that Washington’s proposal for talks with Iran is nothing but complementary to ‘maximum pressure policy’ of the US administration against Tehran.

“A country which is looking for negotiations will not simultaneously try to impose sanctions and restrictions on negotiators and diplomats,” he told the Lebanon-based Al-Akhbar daily.

Mousavi was referring to restrictions imposed on movements of the Iranian delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Zarif, in New York while attending a UN meeting in the past six days. Washington just allowed the Iranian diplomats to travel between the United Nations HQ, the Iranian UN mission, the Iranian UN ambassador’s residence and John F. Kennedy airport.

“These paradoxes in words and actions of Americans are clear for international observers. Result of negotiation with such a country is crystal clear,” Mousavi added.

US President Donald Trump claimed that he is ready for ‘unconditional’ talks with Tehran. On the other hand, Iranian officials say that the window of diplomacy is not closed but US, first, needs to return to the bargaining table and abide by its commitments under the nuclear deal.

Mousavi went on to say that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was the ‘best’ possible agreement between Iran and other parties, adding that US behavior has been unacceptable. “As long as America doesn’t return to the nuclear deal and abide by its commitments, this trend will continue.”

President Donald Trump pulled the US out of the multilateral UN-endorsed JCPOA in May 2018, imposing severe sanctions on Iran’s economy despite the fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency had endorsed Iran’s compliance to the deal. Tehran has described US measures as ‘economic terrorism’, urging other signatories to the deal to shield its economy from damages of US sanctions.

  • source : Mehrnews