Directed and produced by Morteza Atash-Zamzam, the Iranian feature ‘Simin’ has been accepted into the screening program of the 10th edition of Jagran Film Festival in India. The event is slated for 18-21 July 2019.
‘Simin’ will also make an appearance at the 18th Baikal International Film Festival “PEOPLE AND ENVIRONMENT” in Russia. The festival will be held on September 19 – 23, 2019 in Irkutsk, eastern Siberia.
‘Simin’ investigates the reasons behind the drying up of Zayanderood, the largest river of the Iranian Plateau in central Iran, and its impacts on the life of people, particularly the farmers. The story is narrated in a symbolic setting with the character of mother symbolizing water and the river.
- source : Mehrnews