The Arabic documentary, titled ‘Players with Fire’, includes a classified videotape of Hosham Baluchi who was killed in 2015 in southeast Iran. Baluchi, leader of a terrorist group, says in the tape that Bahrain had hired him in 2006 to do espionage and other operations in Iran.
Elsewhere in the documentary, he voices concern that Al Khalifa may kill him because of the secrets he knew.
The documentary also shows Mohammad Saleh, head of al-Qaeda in Bahrain confessing that the security officials of Bahrain wanted him in 2003 to assassinate the Shia dissidents of the rulers, including Abdulwahab Hussain. It also adds that Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa had personally wanted Saudi Arabia to release the al-Qaeda leader of Bahrain, Mohammad Saleh, who was then imprisoned in Saudi Arabia.
The short video clip said that Bahrain had supported terror groups in Iran such as Ansar Al-Furqan.
- source : Mehrnews