Tehran Urges Global Resistance Against “U.S. Bullying”
Tehran Urges Global Resistance Against “U.S. Bullying”
TEHRAN - Iran’s top security official has blasted the U.S. for targeting the national identity and sovereignty of the world countries, calling for global resistance against Washington’s “illegal bullying.”

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani made the remarks in an address to the 10th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues in the Russian city of Ufa on Tuesday.


He described the U.S. under President Donald Trump as “the most warmongering country in its history,” denouncing it for destabilizing the international security system through unilateralism and extra-territorial sanctions.

“If a wide range of countries decide to stand up to the illegal US blackmail and bullying, we can make the U.S. retreat and adopt a rational and responsible behavior in the international system,” he added.

Iran’s top security official also complained that the US has been using the monetary and banking system as well as international financial networks as a weapon for aggression against independent countries.

“No title other than economic terrorism suits this US behavior,” he said.

Washington has not only been pursuing the policy of toppling governments and destabilizing states, but has also been slapping secondary sanctions on all states based on its agenda of economic terror, the senior Iranian official added.

Shamkhani further called on independent countries to create “multilateral mechanisms” to break the US’s dominance on the global monetary system.

Referring to the U.S. blacklisting of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), he emphasized that the elite force is part of the Iranian Armed Forces and has a brilliant record in the fight against terrorism.

On the contrary, he added, the U.S. Army and intelligence agencies have been the biggest sponsor of terrorist groups in recent decades.

Additionally, Shamkhani said the U.S.’s withdrawal from a 2015 multilateral nuclear deal and Europe’s inaction paved the way for fading diplomacy and dialog as solutions to security challenges.

He said that most of the countries have supported Iran’s “wise” behavior when it gave diplomacy a chance and waited one year in patience before suspending some of its commitments the nuclear deal.

  • source : IRAN NEWS