Why Does the U.S. Avoid War With Iran?
Why Does the U.S. Avoid War With Iran?
All you readers of this article may have definitely watched a video clip which has gone viral and it is about the late Imam Khomeini (R), dated back November 1979 in Qom where he tells students that the U.S. will not send troops to Iran.

You may have seen the clip several times and have told yourselves that the late Imam Khomeini (R) is smart and master in disheartening the enemies and in this video clip he also pointed to the failed U.S. attack at Tabs as a blow to the Americans.


And today the Islamic Republic of Iran gives strong assurance to you and me that the U.S. will not attack, and again everybody asks one another whether war will break out or not. If you do not believe my words, so what about the U.S. mastermind strategists’ words? It seems you have forgotten what Anthony Friedman, Chairman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and senior analyst of Democrats and advisor to the U.S. President Barack Obama’s Administration said to the Turkish daily Milliyet in the heat of the nuclear talks, on the verge of nuclear deal (JCPOA) and under Israel’s pressure and in coordination with U.S. President Obama.

This famous American strategist had to confess that Europeans have once and again either openly or secretly told the Americans they were helping the U.S. to strike the deal (greatest cheat JCPOA). He admitted, “The U.S. is unable to interfere militarily in the Middle East even at the size of a finger because we (the U.S.), in Iraq, pulled the striker lever of the grenade and then throwing ourselves on it. All of its shrapnel hit our bodies.”

In an article which was published on July 12, 2015 issue of New York Times (10 days before the announcement of the deal for shameful JCPOA), Friedman wrote, “The upcoming agreement is a good bad deal and it enables to say to a skeptical Congress and Israel the he has gotten the best bad deal that an empty holster can buy.”

Which fair man can forget what U.S. President Obama said about the nuclear deal during his final presidential address to the nation in Chicago on January 11, 2017.  He said, “If I had told you eight years ago that we would open up a new chapter with shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program without firing a shot, you might have said our sights were set a little too high but we did it easily by cooperation of Europeans.”

That the late Imam Khomeini claimed some infiltrators, under the guise of authors and the like, treat our nation hundreds of time worse than enemies to make the nation believe that  war is both a bitter reality and difficult to swallow. This is obvious that who are promoting U.S. phobia in the country. “Fear from Phantom of War” which is injected into the nation by some of our officials and media is actually what the U.S. and Europe honestly like it as a psychological war in the country.

So some claims and remarks like “Empty Treasury” and “War in Front of Us” deceived naively the people for striking the JCPOA deal.

There are some evidences, showing that the same obvious tricks and methods like the claim for war are raised again by officials and enemies’ stronghold-media in the country.

At the time that infiltrators with the trick of traumatophobia (war phobia) try to frighten people, Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies of the U.S. says, “While Iran’s asymmetric assets do not provide it with the ability to win a major direct conflict with U.S. forces, coordinated, simultaneous use of Iran’s submarines, anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), fast-attack craft, and swarm tactics in first strike could inflict costly losses on U.S. naval forces and commercial shipping in the Strait.”

Confirming his remarks, haven’t you heard that Yemen Army carried out an operation, called Ramadan 9, in depth of Saudi Arabia’s land and at Al-Duadmi and Afif regions which are 220 and 380 kilometers off Riyadh? It was carried out with thorough study and reconnaissance led to the shutdown of oil transfer pipelines in those regions. And it had significant negative impact on Saudi Arabia’s economy.

Either Saudis and its satellite countries or even the U.S. are too weak to carry out even the least military operation against Iran.

By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

  • source : IRAN NEWS