Saudis confirm Yemen’s drone raids on oil facilities
Saudis confirm Yemen’s drone raids on oil facilities
Saudi Arabia confirmed on Tuesday that Yemeni armed forces have conducted air raids on the facilities of the state oil giant Aramco.

Seven drones run by Yemeni armed forces carried out attacks against vital Saudi facilities on Tuesday in response to the Riyadh regime’s ongoing acts of aggression against Yemeni people.

Confirming the report, Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said that two oil pumping stations for the East-West pipeline had been hit by explosive-laden drones.

Falih said the state oil giant Aramco had halted oil pumping in the pipeline due to the damages.

According to earlier reports by Yemen’s Houthi group, the movement launched drone attacks on Saudi installations in retaliation for Saudi Arabia’s deadly military aggression and the siege of the impoverished Arabian Peninsula state.

A Yemeni military source told al-Masirah TV that Yemeni fighters stand ready “to execute more of these significant and tough strikes as long as the siege continues.”

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the war against Yemen in March 2015 in an attempt to reinstall the Riyadh-allied former regime.

The invaders have, however, failed to achieve their objectives in the face of stiff resistance by Yemeni armed forces, led by the Houthi Ansarullah movement.

The Western-backed aggression, coupled with a naval blockade, has killed tens of thousands of Yemenis, destroyed the country’s infrastructure and led to a humanitarian crisis.

Yemeni fighters regularly target positions inside Saudi Arabia in retaliatory attacks against the protracted offensive on their homeland.

  • source : Mehrnews