Sanctions to have no effect on petrochemical exports
Sanctions to have no effect on petrochemical exports
Secretary General of Iranian Association of Petrochemical Employers’ Union Ahmad Mahdavi Abhari said on Saturday that sanctions will have not any impact on Iran’s export of petrochemicals.

Given the reduced exports of gas condensates, more feedstock may be injected into the petrochemical industry.

Mechanism defined for export of petrochemicals differs from crude oil, he said, adding, “therefore, US sanctions will have no impact on the production and export of petrochemicals.”

With the studies made in this regard, both production and export of petrochemicals will experience significant growth in the current year (started March 21, 2019), he said, adding, “new petrochemical units will come on stream in the current year in line with increasing production volume.”

Currently, petrochemical industry of the country does not have any problem in the field of provision of feedstock, he emphasized.

Turning to the exports destination of petrochemicals, Mahdavi said, “many countries in the world seek Iran’s high-quality petrochemicals, the most important of which include neighboring states, China, India, Southeast Asian countries and even European countries.”