Mustafa (pbuh) Science and Technology Foundation which is a non-beneficiary institute and organizer of the prestigious award Mustafa (pbuh) Prize held the press conference of the 3rd round of Noor School Student Competition on Tuesday April 23.
At the conference, head of the Executive Committee of MSTF, Ali Omrani gave a detailed introduction on the Foundation’s different parts and events, including the student competition.
He said that this round of the competition will be held in commemoration of the prominent Muslim scientist Ibn al-Razzaz al-Jazari on April 26 in Tehran.
Badi az-Zaman Abu l-Izz ibn Ismail ibn ar-Razaz al-Jazari (1136– 1206) was a Muslim polymath, born in Algeria. He was a scholar, inventor, mechanical engineer, artisan, artist and mathematician. He is best known for his works on mechanics. In his work titled The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices he described 100 mechanical devices.
According to the director, a total number of 2,107 groups comprised of 4,937 students, from six countries, have sent 1,675 works to the foundation, he said adding that from the figure, and 100 works have succeeded to advance to the final phase and will be awarded at the event on Friday.
The works are 60-second films recorded by student teams on scientific issues.
The latest event held by MSTF was the 5th round of the Science and Technology Exchange Program (STEP) held at the University of Karachi, Pakistan, from February 27 to March 2, the official said.
He also noted that the Mustafa (pbuh) Art Museum of the foundation which has recently been established has received a number of invaluable artistic works from Various artists, and as the museum is being better introduced on the international arena, more artists from across the world are increasingly devoting artistic items.
Referring to Knowledge Application and Notion for Society (KANS) competition, Omrani said that the latest round, which welcomes the scientific ideas with the capacity of commercialization from around the world, was held with participation of 1,045 university students and professors who were under 45. The competitors were from 15 countries, he added.
Having announced the name of winners, MSTF will award their prizes at the closing ceremony.
- source : Mehrnews