“A total of 7.8 million foreign nationals visited Iran during the past year that shows a 52.5 percent increase year on year. The country hosted 5.1 travelers in 1396,” CHTN quoted Vlai Teymouri as saying on Saturday.
Outbound passengers added up to 7 million during the past year, which is lessen from a year earlier, the official said.
“Some ten million Iranians traveled oversees in 1396,” Teymouri said as he cited financial strains among reasons behind.
Earlier this month, the official said that U.S.-led sanctions, targeting Iran’s economy, has failed to lessen foreign arrivals to the Islamic Republic, adding “Decrease in Iran national currency value has made Iran tour packages more competitive.”
The 2019 Travel Risk Map, which shows the risk level around the world, puts Iran among countries with “insignificant risk”, a category where the UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, and Finland are placed in.
The country boasts hundreds of historical sites such as bazaars, museums, mosques, bridges, bathhouses, madrasas, mausoleums, churches, towers, and mansions, of which 22 being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
- source : Tehrantimes