It was not without reason that in many polls, Merkel was named as the most powerful politician in the European Union. Without a doubt, Angela Merkel never imagined that she would have to permanently withdraw from power in Europe by 2021, as an incapable chancellor.
We are in 2019! No less is the German Chancellor as the leader of the European Union or even the leader of the Eurozone. Merkel has lost her strength. In other words, the date of the German Chancellor’s acceptance in Europe has come to an end. It’s not too difficult to check.
It’s a difficult time for the Chancellor of Germany. She had to pass the power inside the Christian Democrat Party to her rival, Kramp-Karenbauer. In a conference, Karenbauer rejected claims that she was the “mini Merkel”.
“People consider me a ‘mini,’ a copy, a simple ‘more of the same,’ but I can tell you that I stand here as my own person, just as life has shaped me and of that I am proud,” she said.
Angela Merkel has announced that she will step down from power in 2021, but the polls conducted in Germany have intensively worried her. The results of these polls indicate that the total popularity of the two traditional German parties, the coalition of the Christian and Social Democrats, have fallen below 50%. This suggests the unpopularity of the coalition government among the German citizens. Merkel now has to run the weak coalition government until 2021.
Many analysts of Europe’s affairs believe that Merkel’s power is actually over. The Chancellor of Germany is no longer the symbol of power in the United Europe. She has lost the power of managing the power equations in her country. In other words, Merkel has become a “passive player” in Berlin, the European Union and the Eurozone.
On the other hand, French President Emmanuel Macron is no longer the least capable of directing and managing the European Union and the Eurozone. Public protests in France have made Macron a powerless politician and president.
Anyway, Political history of the German Chancellor as the EU leader has come an end at a time when her substitute (in the event of a relative and fragile victory in the country’s next general elections), should devote her power to attempts for the formation of a coalition or minimal government in Berlin.
- source : Mehrnews