Islamic Science Program Ends in Pakistan’s Karachi after 3 Days
Islamic Science Program Ends in Pakistan’s Karachi after 3 Days
The 5th round of Science and Technology Exchange Program in Islamic countries (STEP5) on Saturday concluded in Pakistan’s Karachi where 70 Muslim scientists exchanged latest findings in the field of health science.

The STEP5 had been held at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) of the University of Karachi, with the close collaboration of the Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) since February 28 until March 2.

International scientists from around the world gathered and discussed solutions to overcome the battle on diagnosis strategies of the communicable and non-communicable diseases (ie. NCDs and CDs) emphasizing on female scientists’ contribution in future global village.

Meanwhile, STEP5 provided a platform to present the latest diagnosis and drug development strategies focusing on women’s biomedical careers.

Moreover, there was a chance for attendees to get to know the industries and commercialization possibilities of health cutting-edge scientific products in the Islamic countries.

On the 3rd day of the meetings, the STEP5 scientists released a statement regarding enhancing scientific relations.

The 5th Science and Technology Exchange Program (STEP) in Islamic countries was jointly organized (February 27th – March 2nd, 2019) by Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation (MSTF) and International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, focusing on Cutting Edge Pharmaceutical Approaches to Meet Health Challenges of CDs and NCDs; with an emphasis on female scientists’ contributions.

The forum was attended by 64 delegates from 19 countries (Canada, Egypt, Pakistan, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Finland, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Turkey, USA, Yemen, France, Sweden, UAE, Singapore), and many undergraduate and graduate researchers and faculty members. Representatives from COMSTECH, TWAS, IAS, ISESCO, WHO, OWSD, MABIC also participated in STEP5.

  • source : Tasnim