Iran patented 200 stem cell, regenerative medicine inventions
Iran patented 200 stem cell, regenerative medicine inventions
Iran has so far patented as many as 200 inventions in the fields of stem cell and regenerative medicine, according to the patent office at Council for Stem Cell Sciences and Technologies.

According to the Vice-Presidency of Science and Technology, the past five years have been a lucrative period for the country’s progress in stem cell and regenerative medicine, which mostly deals with restoration of structure and function of damaged tissues and organs.

In this five-year period, Iran has patented as many as 200 inventions in the aforementioned fields, according to the patent office at Council for Stem Cell Sciences and Technologies.

The Council has been taking measures, such as organizing a workshop on ‘advanced training in patenting stem cell-related inventions’, in a bid to further develop and support the activities of the patent office.

Future measures in this regard include the launch of a software for arbitration of patent disputes, establishing a databank for stem cell and regenerative medicine inventions, as well as holding an exhibition for these inventions.

  • source : Mehrnews