Iranian feature film ‘Kejal’ directed by Nima Yar will be screened at two categories of the 11th Bengaluru International Film Festival in the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Nima Yar’s ‘Kejal’ is about a young university student named Kejal who begins smuggling goods on her back with all her might on Iran and Iraq border to look […]
Iranian feature film ‘Kejal’ directed by Nima Yar will be screened at two categories of the 11th Bengaluru International Film Festival in the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka.
Nima Yar’s ‘Kejal’ is about a young university student named Kejal who begins smuggling goods on her back with all her might on Iran and Iraq border to look after her mother and brother.
In its second international screening, the feature film will take part at the NETPAC winners and country focus sections of the 11th Bengaluru International Film Festival in the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka.
‘Kejal’ won the NETPAC award at the 22nd Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia.
The Bengaluru International Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Bengaluru, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka, which is considered as the most important center for culture and arts in India.
The 11th edition of the festival will be held on 21-28 February 2019.